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It had been two days since I had got the message that I was shortlisted and in that short space of time I hadn't left my phone out of my sight. Wherever I went I always had it with me, even if I was just going from the living room to kitchen to get a bottle of water, it was in my hand or pocket.

It was Sunday today. I loved Sundays, because my mum didn't have work, but today was a different Sunday, I had my eyes glued to my phone, so it wasn't the normal Sunday morning.

"Lola, will you please put that phone away?" My mum asked for the third or fourth time.

"But mum, if I get the text while I'm away from my phone I could ruin everything and then not end up going," I said.

"Lola, come on, you haven't left that phone alone all morning, it's not healthy. You already need glasses because of it," she pointed out.

"I know mum, it's just really important, if I get this chance, I could change our lives!" I said excitedly.

"I know Darling, I know, it's just you might be getting your hopes up for nothing," she said.

"Okay, how about I keep it in my pocket, will that make you a little happier?" I teased.

"Yeah, and eat some breakfast too, it's almost one in the afternoon," my mum said before taking a sip of her coffee. I nodded and got up from my cross legged sitting place on the armchair.

I walked into the kitchen and got myself an apple and a can of Pepsi. I took a bite out of the apple and walked into the living room.

I put the bitten apple and can on the arm of the arm chair before sitting comfortably in my cross legged position again.

Suddenly my phone alert went off. Indicating I had a text messaged.

"OH MY GOD!" I shrieked really loud, making my mum spill her coffee on herself and Rebel to wake up from his curled up space on the sofa and bark. I quickly fidgeted and retrieved my phone from the back pocket of my shorts, causing the apple and still closed Pepsi can to fall on the floor.

"Lola!" My mum said angrily. "Was that needed? You made my spill my coffee!"

"Your monthly e-bill is now available to view on line, hope to see you on the web. T-Mobile." I read aloud from the screen, slowing down with each word. "Dammit!" I cursed.

My mum looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "I told you Lola, don't get too excited over nothing,"

"Sorry," I mumbled. I finished eating my apple and drinking my Pepsi, which may I add that I had to get a new can and put the old one back in the fridge since I was frightened to open it incase it exploded, while making conversation with my mum and watching Teen Mom 3.

"So she's only sixteen and she has two kids?" My mum said quite shocked.

"Yeah, she's the same age as me, damn how do those girls do it," I said.

"Is her mother supporting her? What the hell?" My mum cursed, really confused.

"Well if I somehow ended up pregnant, wouldn't you support me?" I teasingly questioned.

"Sure as hell I wouldn't!"

My jaw dropped in fake shock. "But mum!"

"Don't but mum me. I wouldn't support you if you dropped all your education and got pregnant, you've ruined your whole life!" My mum said.

"Don't worry mum, I'm not planning on getting pregnant at this age, I'd rather not," I said reassuring her.

"Good. I don't want you coming out of the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test,"

"I won't," I said, laughing slightly.

Lunch time came, me and my mum just chatting and watching tv and then trying to make a healthy lunch together which ended up as me just spectating.

"So then you add the..." My mum said, encouraging me to finish her sentence.

"Chicken?" I said, sitting on the countertop of the island.

"No the carrots," my mum said throwing the chopped carrots into the frying pan.

"And then the..."

"Chicken?" I said again.

"No. The baby corn." She said, picking up the baby corn and adding it to the stir fry.

"And then..."

"The.... Chicken?"

"Godammit Lola, I'm trying to teach you how to cook," she said getting frustrated.

"The chicken?" I said again before laughing.

"Lo. La."

"Fine, you add the peppers and then the runners and then the chicken," I gave in.

"Good," she said before adding in the ingredients and the stirring it and flipping it a few times. The rice cooker switch flipped, indicating that the rice was done. "Lola could you..."

"Already on it," I interrupted, jumping off of the counter and switching off the rice cooker from the main plug.

After Lunch was done and dusted, me and my mum both walked Rebel together, I took the opportunity to explain to her what Lock in actually was.

"So Basically, they have five male contestants who are actually internet sensations, Like YouTube stars or vloggers. And they're rounding up five female contestants from the public, aged between 16 and 19 to enter."

"Yeah," my mum said, throwing the ball again for Rebel to go and retrieve. Again.

"So then they take the ten people and Lock them in a house for some time,"

"How long?" She asked, sitting down on a black, metal bar bench.

"It depends, let me explain it. So one person gets kicked off every two weeks decided by the public, and then the last one left in the house, wins."

"That doesn't seem too hard,"

"Well the problem is, you get no contact with the outside world, only the nine other people living with you. And you have to survive by yourself. No chef, you have to cook for yourself. No maid, you have to clean for yourself,"

"That's not hard, it's just like surviving in the real world," my mum said, shrugging.

"But there's a catch," I added "There's no entertainment technology of any sort, no TV's, phones, music players. Nothing of the sort, you have to make entertainment for yourself,"

"That's not bad, us as kids had to do the exact same. That would be easy to manage," my mum concluded.

"I guess,"

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