"Bye. Thanks" I said to Stacey and her mum as I opened the car door.

"Bye," they both said in unison. I climbed out of the car and closed the door. I waved at Stacey as her mum drove away.

I managed to hitch a ride with Stacey since her mum was driving her home.

I went next door and picked up Rebel before going back home. I set down a fresh bowl of dry food and water for him and made myself a grilled cheese sandwich.

I took my sandwich and school bag upstairs. I changed from my school shirt, blue tie and plete skirt into a pair of red sweat pants and a white t-shirt with a puppy with a big head on.

I opened my backpack and took my school planner out. I read through to double check what my English homework was.

Since we were supposably higher ability, we should be able to complete our assignments in one day.

"Write a three to five page short story, the story must contain substances of horror or mystery and finish with the sentence 'all was over'" I read aloud to Rebel who was curled up at the end of my bed. "Shouldn't be that hard should it?" I said to Rebel.

I turned on my laptop and sat on my bed cross legged, I placed my glasses on my face and waited for my laptop to start up while I took a bite out of my sandwich.

"There could be a boy, and he could, ummm, run away from home?" I brainstormed aloud as I typed in my password. "And he could have someone stalking him, maybe?" I used the idea since it was the only one I could come up with.

I wrote for about 10 minutes before playing some music from my laptop. I played a couple of songs as I carried on typing for another half hour.

I got a text message and straight away checked my phone only to be disappointed since it was from Dan.

"Hey, what are you doing for the English homework, I can't think of an idea :/ x" Dan texted. I texted him what I was doing and suggested a couple of ideas before going back to writing mine.

I got a text from Stacey asking if she could come round mine tomorrow after school, I texted her back saying yeah and went back to writing since I was almost done.

After a couple more minutes I finished off the story. "My problems seemed to disintegrate and all was over." I read as I typed. "Done! Finally!" I said, relieved. "Now I can sort out the laundry and then take you for a walk," I said tapping Rebels wet nose.

I went to the toilet quickly before going downstairs and into the laundry room. On the left were three hampers, one with dark clothes, one with bright and the other with white.

I shoved all the dark clothes into the washing machine and put in the right soap-powder and fabric conditioner.

I started it up on the quick wash cycle and called Rebel downstairs so I could take him for a walk.

He came running down, I hooked his lead and put a leather jacket on before leaving with my house keys in pocket and phone in hand.

We walked around the town, and went to the park where we stopped for a while we played fetch with a stick Rebel found.

I sat down on a park bench and kept throwing the stick and then waiting for him to bring it back. I took out my phone and texted Stacey back and fourth. She was excited about the fact I could be on tv and end up famous.

I could tell because she was texting in all caps and kept spelling words wrong because she was typing fast and was to excited to go back and correct her mistakes.

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