#90 Cas - Keep Fighting

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Y/N p.o.v:

You couldn't do it anymore. The hunters life was too much; it was too hard. Sam and Dean couldn't deal with you anymore. You brought them down too much. You have disappointed them too much and now you had no one. You pray to Cas sometimes. You only held on for him in hopes of him not giving up on you, but lately that hope was a flickering candle with loneliness and depression being the wind trying to blow that candle out. You knew that you weren't strong enough anymore. You weren't good enough anymore. You wanted to stop fighting. You felt tears slip down your cheeks and onto the motel bed. You had to rent out a room because you had nowhere to go. Suddenly your phone started to ring. You opened it and saw Cas's ID. You answered it immediately.
"Hello?" A gruff voice greeted.
"Cas." You whispered softly. Your voice still managed to crack at his name.
"We've been through much together, you and I." Cas said. You cleared your throat.
"Yeah, Cas, we have." You said softly.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I see inside you. I see your guilt; your anger. You don't think you deserved to be saved." Cas said. You covered your mouth to quiet your sobs. You never heard anything from Cas. You always prayed to him about what you were feeling; how you felt as if you were going to break down at any moment.
"That's not true, Y/N. You know I've been here for a very long time. I was convinced that I was on this righteous path. And I caused a lot of suffering. Now I realize that there is no righteous path." Cas said. You sucked in a deep breath and let it out; the breath was quivering from your sobs.
"You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom, Y/N. I still believe that that's something worth fighting for. You know, this world - this sad, doomed little world - it needs you. And I will not let you die." Cas said sternly into the phone. You cried out.
"Cas-" You were interrupted by him.
"You mean too much to me! To everything! Please. You're my family. I love you." Cas said. You choked back another sob.
"I l-love you, too, Cas." You said in a stutter.
"Keep fighting!" Cas pleaded. You wiped away your tears - which was useless because more kept coming - and took a deep, shuddering breath.
"Okay. I'll try, Cas. I'll try, but what about Sam and Dean? They weren't there for me. Why don't they care?" You asked quietly. You heard Cas sigh.
"Because they were scared." Cas responded. You heard him mutter 'Which is a stupid answer and foolish to leave you alone.' You sniffed.
"Thank you, Cas. I don't think I could so it without you." You said.
"You're welcome, Y/N. I promise to check up on you more often. Please don't do anything stupid while I'm not there. Okay?" He asked. You smiled a bit and nodded even though he couldn't see it.
"Yeah. Sure thing, Cas." You said before hanging up. You took a deep breath and lied down on the motel bed. Maybe it will get better. Maybe things will work out. Maybe you'll be happy again.


Yes, I know. This was very short and I'm pretty sure it was really bad, but I needed to put something up. I am working on the requests, but it will be a while before they're up. I profusely apologize for this, but my physical health rn isn't in the best shape. Yesterday, I got hit in the face with a volleyball and am having to go to the hospital to get it checked out because my head hasn't stopped hurting since the incident and medicine won't help. Again, I apologize.

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