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Keith received another text after a Danganronpa, bagel filled evening and he excused himself to the bathroom.

Hey Keith it's me. I just landed and I wanna see you again ❤

As Keith wiped away the tears he typed back without hesitation.

Lance i was so worried. You don't understand. When do you want to meet????

Keith sighed. He knew he got too worked over things and knew that his trust issues were always showing, but he just couldn't help but miss Lance or worry about his safety.

Well are you home? We can meet there

After many minutes of persuasion, Keith finally managed to get dropped off at his house. When he rushed up, Lance was standing at the door.

"Keith." He smiled. Tears immediately spilt from each of the two and Lance ran and pulled Keith into a hug.

"I missed you so so much. I was so scared Shiro was going to hurt you or use you."
"I'd never let him do that, Lance. If anything, I was the most worried."

They entered Keith's house and Lance sat on the sofa. He smiled at Keith and said, "I told my family about us. They . . . only my mum agrees with us."

Keith slammed the door shut and looked to Lance. "What are you trying to say?"
"Nothing. I'm just saying that-" he paused.

Keith stood frozen. "They didn't want me to bring my phone to the campsite because they didn't want me texting you. Then, at the airport I was so exhausted because my grandmother was yelling at me during the car ride."

Lance's happy tears had been replaced with those of sadness. "I don't want to break up with you, but I don't want my family to hate me."
"They don't hate you, Lance." Keith tried to tell him.

"Why can't they just wish the best for me, Keith?"
"I don't know, but at least your mum is supportive. You see her the most of anyone."

At this Lance gulped. "No. You're wrong."
"What do you mean I'm wrong?"
"My grandparents want me to move back to Cuba. I'm sorry."

Once again, Keith remained frozen on the spot. "Can't you decline?"
"I told them I wanted to stay here in Sendak and my mum tried defending me, but they were really persistent on us returning."

Lance stood up and poured himself some water. "When would you be moving?"
"Probably in a few months - providing it goes through, of course."

Keith nodded. "I don't want this to happen, Lance. What about us? I couldn't deal with you being gone for 10 days."
"That's what I'm trying to discuss."
"Well, what are we meant to do? Just break up?"

Keith wished he could reverse time. He didn't mean to say that. "Lance, no- wait-"
"If that's what you want."
"It isn-"
"I'm sorry, Keith. I don't think we can work a long distance relationship."
"What? It isn't even decided you-"
"We all know I'll have to go."

Lance was holding in everything it took to not panic. He didn't want to lose Keith, but he knew what was best for the two of them.

"If that's what you think then I guess I can't stop you."
"I'll call my mum and tell her to pick me up. I'm so sorry this night didn't go as we planned."

Lance went into the bathroom and called his mum whilst Keith stood in front of the door, crying uncontrollably.

Five minutes later, Lance returned and announced his mother was outside. Keith slowly moved away from the door and Lance gave him a hug before saying his last goodbye.

Oof I don't know what to do because the ending felt rushed, but like it's me and I always rush things.

Hopefully you liked it though :) *I have another Klance fanfic called Welcome to the Society if ye want to read it.

*****Sequel in next chapter.

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