Will Delilah Fitch be nothing more than a dance to remember?
Lark Lane seemed increasingly beautiful with Delilah Fitch on the side of the road.
Parker Addington sighed in relief as she clambered aboard the bus, free of any additional injuries.
What surprised him even more, was the small smile that flitted across her face when she met his eye.
Parker was at a loss for words and he fumbled awkwardly with a few frayed threads on his glove, while she took her seat.
"Where to?" he asked, losing all semblance of the fact that they had spoken before.
(you see, parker addington was highly inexperienced in the art of talking to girls)
Delilah chuckled lightly and handed over a fresh couple of notes.
"Lambroke, again."
Parker stared at the extra bills. "But it's only - "
"No, that's for the time you payed for my fare."
"Oh." Parker nodded and put in some of them in his conductor's bag, while he put the other ones into his pocket.
Parker stood away from her, and regarded her as she resorted to staring out the window.
Well, it was a beautiful sight that met her eyes. Snow lined pavements, frosty shopfronts, and people laden with heavy shopping bags.
Parker couldn't contain it after a while, and he sidled back to where she was. "So everything is alright, yeah?" He timidly asked her.
"For now," she said, with a small smile. "She's passed out cold. Will take her a couple of days to gain back her strength."
She spoke as though she and Parker had previously discussed the topic of her mother's antics.
He looked down at the dirty floor of the bus, and scuffed a bit of the dirt with the tip of his shoe. He then looked back up at her.
"Well, why didn't you come in the bus yesterday?"
"I didn't need to," she said. "I felt safe enough at home, and I didn't need to go anywhere." Her eyes sparkled at that, like she was glad for her short reprieve from what haunted her.
Parker's heart sank a little at her words. While others regarded their homes to be synonymous with the feeling of safety and security, here she was running away from her home, in order to find sanction elsewhere.
"You - " he cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. "You feel safe here? In this bus?"
She smiled again, and it was like a large butterfly was fluttering it's wings in his stomach.
"As safe as I can possibly be."
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guys, thank you for the beautiful support on this book! I really appreciate it, y'all are so sweet.