03 | snow

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He regarded her carefully, as though she was a time ticking bomb, about to explode any second.

"That will be one pound fifty." he said, as he punched in the details into the ticket printing machine.

Her brows furrowed for a second, before she looked up at him.

Parker Addington sucked in a breath at her wide doe eyes. They stared, unblinking and reproachfully at him. "What?" she asked softly.

"The fare to Lambroke. It's the farthest stop from here, cause it seems like you want to go far."

"Oh." The word slipped past her lips the they way snow melted through cobblestoned paths. She roughly felt about in her shirt, before sighing and putting her head forward on the back of the seat of the person in front.

"It's okay, I got it." Parker said, lowly, as he reached for a crumpled note in his pocket. He stuffed it into his conductor bag and extended the ticket towards her. "Here."

Delilah Fitch looked up at him like he was the first person to ever render such an act of kindness.

(and the sight tugged at Parker Addington's heartstrings, the way nothing else had)



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loads of love,


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