The Beginning

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It was a Tuesday morning as Hotch walked into the conference room and said "good morning." He was redy to present a new case. Before anybody could return Hotch's "good morning", Garcia was already presenting the new tragedy.

"Yesterday at two o'clock pm Tapitha Brown was found in her garage hanging by a hose, she had been stabbed many times in her neck and abdomen", Garcia said terrified. She never got over how disturbing these cases got sometimes.

"Do we know anything about the person who did this?"

"Not really, all we know is that he is male and probably somewhere in his late 30's to early 40's" said Hotch.

"Also one more thing, she was raped before she was hung and stabbed."

"okay everyone, Morgan and I will go to the crime scene , Reid and Rossi go talk to the victims family, and Prentiss and JJ go to the hospital and talk to the doctors.


As JJ and Emily arrived at the hospital they saw Tapitha laying on the table exposed. JJ and Emily asked  the doctor questions about the rape and a ton of others too. As they were asking all these personel questions about the rape Emily was thinking back to when she got raped at only the age of fourteen. Soon Emily couldn't take it anymore and she felt like she was about to cry, she ran out of the room tears coming down her face.

While the doctor asked to be excused JJ was puzzled why Emily would do that, she was one of the strongest people she knew. JJ left the room and ran after her friend who was obviously going through something right now.

"Emily?" "Emily?" Where the hell did you go? After about ten minutes of looking she found Emily in the hospital bathroom crying.

"Oh no Em, what's wrong?

Emily had never told anybody about her rape and knew she needed to get it out to someone.

"JJ, I think it's time i told you something very personel...."

JJ was scared of what was going to come out of Emily's mouth.

"JJ, when I was f-fourteen...." Emily's voice trembled
as she tried to pull it together. "When i was fourteen I was r-raped." Those three words almost made her breakdown, but she managed to pull it together.

"I was raped by a man named John Appleton, He took me to his house and told me not to say anything, I was so scared I listened to him." "I was traumatized after that and had to go to therapy till I was almost nineteen, I am still taumatized till this day."

"Oh my gosh Emily I had no idea, I am so sorry."

"It's ok there is nothing you can do about it."

"Well I am so thankful that you're alright now, I love you said JJ."

As JJ said those words Emily's mind felt like it was going to burst. Emily had the rape secret, but she also had another secret that was slowly killing her...... she was lesbian. Emily was and she was in love with JJ. And when JJ said those three words, even though she knew she only meant it as a friend that made Emily love her even more.

"I love you too JJ she wispered, even though she knew she wasn't loud enough for JJ to hear.


Thank you for reading the first chapter, I have a whole week off school so hopefully I will be able to get a couple more chapters up. I know it is super short the first few will be but they'll start to get longer. Hope you liked it!

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