Lexie gone

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"Ok thank you all for helping find Amelia Tanner, I'm happy to say you have the rest of the day off and possibly tomorrow!" Hotch told the team. Everyone was very happy they could all go do whatever they wanted today. As everyone headed out of the building JJ and Emily turned to each other and knew exactly what their plans were.... When they arrived home Lexie was gone from school and she had something to tell them....

"Hey guys!" She Said more enthusiastic then she usually was.

"Hey Lex. What's up?" They both

"So you know my friend Josephine I was talking about?"

"Yeah she seems like a sweet girl." Emily said happy that Lexie had a friend.

"Well she invited me over after school tomorrow, I can go home on the bus with her. Is that ok?" She pleaded.

"Umm yeah that should be find Lex just be home by 8:00 pm." Said Emily.

"Thanks." She shouted as she hugged Emily.

"Well thats good, right?" Said JJ. Emily looked a little off.

"Yeah Yeah it's good." She said in response.

"Ok well we got the day off what should we do." JJ asked.

"Well Lexie is home so we can't—

"Yeah definitely not." JJ said wanting to so badly.

"JJ I should tell you something that happened last night..."

"Is everything ok?"

"My mom texted me."

"Your mom? You've never talked about her before."

"That's because we don't get along very well."

"Like what do you mean?"

"When I tried to come out to her she kinda shunned me. That's when I decided to just marry Charles so she would be happy. But then he left me and she doesn't know that I have a kid."

"Your mother doesn't know that you have Lexie?"

"She doesn't even know I ever had Lexie. I never told her because once he left I decided I didn't want her to hate me anymore. But I couldn't hide who I truly was anymore so I just stopped talking to her. It's like she was never my mom ever."

"I'm sorry Em. If it makes you feel any better my dad would've killed me if he knew I was gay. But he's dead so it doesn't matter."

"I just don't understand why after all these years of never speaking to me she texts me."

"What did the text say?"

"All it said was.... Hi Emily I miss you..."

"Well that's kinda sweet maybe she wants you back in her life."

"Yeah but it just seems off. I thought I would never talk to her again."

"You should try and reach out. Maybe she really misses you."

"I'm going to take a shower and head to bed. I'll be out in a little." Emily told JJ.

JJ knew there was more to Emily's mom then just not agreeing with her sexuality, and she was going to figure it out. The next morning JJ and Emily decided to head over to the BAU to get some paper work done, and they left Lexie at the bus.

"Bye Lexie have fun at Josephine's."

"Thanks bye guys." Lexie really was starting to like it with Emily and JJ... she thought of them as family.

(8 hours later)

It had been a whole day of paperwork and the two agents were ready to go home. When they got home they saw an empty house


"I thought she was at her friends." JJ said.

"Yeah but she was supposed to be home a half an hour ago. I told her 8 o'clock."

"'Maybe she lost track of time. She's probably just having fun."

"Ok I'll text her." After about ten minutes Lexie still hadn't responded and Emily was starting to worry."

"Why isn't she responding."

(Josephine's house)

"Hahah that's hilarious." Lexie said to Josephine.

"Oh my gosh it's already 8:40 I have to go home Emily is probably worried."

"Wait before you leave I have to show you something. Stay here I'll be right back."

Lexie waited for a minute until Josephine's dad walked into the room.

"Hi, you must be Lexie. Josie had told me so much about you."

"Yeah I'm Lexie, nice to meet you. Do you know where she went I really have to get home."

"Here I'll take you to her. Come on."

Lexie went with "Josephine's dad" and soon figured out what was happening.

"Umm why are we going to the basement?"

"Just come on I'll show you."

"Sorry I really have to get home, can you just tell Josephine I said bye."

"Just come on Lexie."

"Please let go of me."

The man started to cover her mouth and tie her up. Then Lexie bit his hand and he knocked out with a glass vase. He took her down to the basement as Josephine started to cry.

"Why'd you gotta do it to here. She's actually nice. Please let her go I'll make her not tell."

"But Josie she's so pretty."

"You say that about all of them. And the you kill them all. Why haven't you killed me yet?"

"Because Josie you're special."

"Fine but where are you going to take her."

"I can't tell you what house I'll be right back."

The man took Lexie into the basement and did the unspeakable. He raped her. Lexie was unconscious until she woke up and he had just finished.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Someone please help me. Please."

"BE QUIET. Come one we gotta go."

"Where are you taking me?"

"I said be quiet. We're going in my car no shut-up and you don't have to die yet."

Yet.... so she was going to die eventually....

(Emily's apartment)

"Why the hell hasn't she answered it's been almost an hour over her curfew." Emily was panicking now.

"Why don't you just go to her house and pick her up."

"JJ what if Josephine isn't what we thought she was. What if she kidnapped her."

"If don't think she would do that she's thirteen."

"But what if somebody in her family did. JJ we gotta go find Lexie... alert the team my daughter could be kidnapped."

Thanks for reading. The kidnapping will continue in next chapter and the whole team will get involved.

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