Secrets secrets

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As the next day rolled around a lot had gone on, they found Tabitha's killer and rapist, they started a new case and Reid got a concussion and was being held in the hospital. Of course only one thing concerned Reid though, making sure he would still be able to be the brilliant person he is.

"Hey Em," Morgan said as he walked into the bullpen.

"Hey Morgan," she said back but with no enthusiasm at all.

"Woah there don't be such a Debbie downer."

"Shut up Derek," said JJ from behind him.

JJ knew that Emily was still fragile from what happened yesterday at the hospital.

"Hey guys, I am going to go visit Reid at the hospital, anybody want to come?" Rossi and Morgan both shot their hands up and Garcia walked in with bright eyes and said "I will it's been a while since I have seen boy wonder." JJ and Emily had just gotten back from the hospital and they decided the two of them would just go back to Emily's house and chill since they weren't that busy with the new case.


"Nice place you got here JJ said as they walked in." They both laughed because first of all JJ had been here a hundred times and Emily's place wasn't all that nice.

"Hey Em, you sure you're ok after what happened yesterday you seemed  a bit jumpy this morning with Morgan.

"Yeah, I'm fine I guess I was just tired."

"So Will and I were going to go out tonight, and Will's best friend is in town and he'll be pretty lonely tonight, so I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out with him tonight?" "It doesn't have to be anything special, just maybe you guys could go out to eat or just stay at my house or here."

"JJ that's sweet but I don't know him and it would be kind of awkward wouldn't it?" I mean Me and Will's friend hanging out, sounds kind of strange."

"Come on he's super sweet and you're super hot and I don't know maybe you guys will hit it off , plus I have never seen you ever go out with anyone before."

At this moment Emily knew she wouldn't be able to keep her secret in much longer but she wasn't ready to tell JJ yet.

"I'm sorry JJ I just thought I would stay home tonight and chill out, I am not really in a mood to go out with anyone today, I'm sorry."

"Oh ok, that's alright I just thought--

JJ was cut off by Garcia, Morgan, Hotch, Rossi, and Reid barging through Emily's apartment door.

"Ummm Hey guys, uhh how did you now we were here?" Emily said.

"Whenever you two are alone you always come to Emily's apartment, so we figured it out I mean we are profilers."

"So they let you out of the hospital early Reid?" Said JJ as she quietly chuckled at what Garcia was wearing.

"Yeah, the doctors realized he was still a genius after all the facts he kept giving them about morphine, they figured he was okay." Said Rossi.

"All of us were planning to go out tonight for some Chinese food, who's up?"  Said Hotch

"Well I have a date tonight with Will so I can't but you guys have fun." JJ said.

"Yeah I am not really in a going out mood tonight, sorry guys." Emily said as morgan looked at her strangely.

"Change of plans guys I don't think I can go, sorry." Said Morgan and Emily gave him the same glance back.

"Ok we'll catch you guys tomorrow at the bullpen then, bright and early." Hotch said with a smile. Then everyone herded out of the door except for Emily and Morgan.

"What ya' doing Morgan?"

"Staying here with you tonight to keep you company?"

"That's sweet but you don't have to do that I'll be ok."

"Emily I'm going to be honest with you, I know something is up you have been acting different lately like something is bugging you."

Emily knew Morgan was suspecting something and she thought she might as well tell him, he was the best secret keeper she knew.

"Morgan I have a secret a deep dark secret that I have been wanting to tell everyone, but I trust you the most and you have to promise that this secret doesn't leave his room."

"I Derek Morgan promise to never ever tell anyone Emily's secret."

"Ok here it goes, Derek I-I-I'm gay.......


Thank you for reading the second chapter I hope you liked it! I know this was a cliff hanger but I promise I'll do more soon probably not tomorrow but hopefully a few more chapters within this week.

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