Take a left

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It had been a few days since Lexie had run away and she hadn't tried to pull anything else like that since.

"Ok everyone now that we're all here we should get ready for this case it's a rough one." Hotch said eyeing Emily.

"Ok so there has been an abduction. A thirteen year old girl, Amelia was walking home from her friends house and she got into a van and then never got home." Garcia said shakily.

Emily cringed at the thirteen year old girl part since that's how old Lexie is.

"Ok so I want Emily and JJ go talk to Amelia's  family and Reid and Rossi go talk to Jacob Butler our number one witness. Morgan and I will stay here and do some work and take calls."

Everybody spilt and did what Hotch had assigned.

(Amelia house)

"Gosh JJ I cant imagine having Lexie be kidnapped. One of the things running through my head when she was missing."

"Well at least that wasn't the case." JJ said hugging Emily tight.

"Hi Mrs. Tanner, I'm SSA Emily Prentiss, and I am agent Jareau. We just want to ask you a few question about your daughter."

"Ok." Said Mrs. Tanner with tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Did Amelia have a boyfriend that she maybe kept secret?"

"No my husband and I wouldn't let her date until she was fifteen."

"Ok, what about any enemies at school or activities?"

"Not that I know of, Amelia was a very like able person."

"Ok, don't worry Mrs. Tanner we'll find your daughter." Emily said hoping.

"Well that was rough." JJ said looking at Emily.

"Yeah I can't imagine Lex being kidnapped even if we have only lived with her for a week."


Emily knew JJ was thinking about Henry and she suddenly stopped talking about it.

"Alright let's go back to the bullpen." Emily said changing the subject.

(Back at the bullpen)

"Did you guys get anything on Amelia?" Hot I Said when JJ and Emily walked through the door.

"Her mother said that she had no enemies or boyfriends or anything. This could maybe just be a victim of opportunity." Emily said shaking her head.

"It's possible, but it would be hard to kidnap a thirteen year old girl in the middle of the day. There had got to be more to it." Hotch said thinking hard.

"Maybe she knew the unsub and got into the van willingly." JJ said as Rossi and Reid were walking through the door.

"Hey did you guys get anything from Jacob Butler?" Hotch Asked.

"He said all he saw was what looked like Amelia Tanner get into a black van and he said that it looked like she knew the person and thought it might just be her parents."

"Ok I guess it's possible that Jacob Butler could be our unsub and trying to make it look like he was innocent." Morgan interrupted.

"Yeah he did seem a little shaky at times." We can look more into it." Reid said.

"Ok guys I guess we can all go home for tonight but we must be back bright and early tomorrow to resume the case." Hotch said glad that he could go home to Jack.

"Thanks Hotch." Everyone said as they started to leave the building.

When JJ and Emily arrived home Lexie was sitting on the couch watching TV. She was excited when she saw the two women come through the door.

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