Sweet little thing

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It was about two in the morning when JJ got back from New Jersey and about three when she got back to Emily's apartment and she silently crawled into bed with the dark haired women and looked at little Lexie sleeping. When she saw the child sleeping so heavenly all she wanted to do was get Henry back. She drifted asleep in about ten minutes and woke up to screaming.

"Lexie it's ok sweetie calm down please." Lexie woke up screaming because she told Emily that she had a nightmare about her dad getting into the car accident that killed him.

"Is she ok Em?"

"She had a nightmare, JJ can you get her some water please?"

"Yeah of course, I'll be right back." JJ went to the kitchen to get Lexie her water and her mind was racing because of how scared she looked when she woke up.

"Here sweetie is everything ok?"

"Yeah I just had a dream about my daddy I'm fine though..."

Emily was worried about Lexie because it was only the first night and she already was uncomfortable, and Emily could tell she missed her father.

"Look Lexie I know that you miss your father but I promise I'll always be here for you ok? I'll never leave again ok."

"I'm ready to go back to sleep now."

"Ok I'll tuck you in. JJ I'll be right back."

"Ok Em."

JJ went back into their bedroom and waited for Emily this sure was gonna take a toll on their lives.

"Sorry JJ She was just scared."

"Yeah it's ok she's just adjusting."

"Tomorrow I have to stay home with her but after tomorrow I am going to go back to work I'll get a nanny."

"Yeah do you want me to tell the rest of the team?"

"Not yet I'll tell them myself when I come back."

"Ok Em lets go to sleep now."

"Goodnight Jayje."

"Goodnight Emily."

At about 6:30 am JJ crawled out of bed trying not to wake Emily or Lexie and she headed to the BAU till she got a text from Hotch saying they had the day off.

"Hey Em wake up."


"Hotch just texted me we got the day off! I am spend it with you and Lexie!"

"That's great JJ I was thinking me you and Lexie could go out to lunch and tell her about us."

"Ok sounds like a plan!"

It took Lexie a while to wake up so Emily went in her room at about 10 am to find her wide awake sitting with her phone.

"Hey Lexie you can come out JJ and I are going to take you out to lunch in a little bit, we have something to talk to you about."

"Ok I was just texting my friend Jackie. Um where will I go to school?"

"Probably Quantico middle school."

"That's what I thought I'm going to stay in here for a while if you don't mind."

"Ok that's fine."

Emily knew that Lexie didn't like it here, and she was uncomfortable with her and missed her father and old friends.

"JJ Lexie hates it here...".

"Why would you say that Em?"

"She doesn't even want to come out she's wide awake."

"She just getting used to it , she'll warm up soon enough."

Around 12 pm Lexie, JJ and Emily started out to lunch and were preparing to tell Lexie they were dating, they knew she probably suspected something.

"Ok Lexie JJ and I have something to tell you ok?"


"JJ and I are together."

"Like dating together? Married together? Or..."

"Like engaged together."

"So you guys are gay?"

"Yes we are."

"My daddy said gay people are against the law."

"Well I'm some place yes but—-

"He said that it is in the Bible to not have same sex marriage. So you two are sinners."

Emily had no idea that Lexie and Charles were religious.

"Well were not sinners we just think differently."

"So I'm gonna have two moms once you get married?"

"Ummm." Emily was so shocked she didn't know what to say so she just ordered her lunch and soon Lexie stopped asking questions.

"I'm going back into my room." Lexie said as she pulled out her phone.

"Ok sweetie." Emily turned to JJ with tears in her eyes.

"JJ she hates me and she hated gay people and she hates it in Quantico."

"Em I-I."

"See you can't even think of anything to say because you know it's true."

"It's not true Emily she will get used to it and us she just needs space obviously."

"Yeah but she's my daughter and I don't want to let her down again....."

"Em you never let anyone down ok I'll get us some coffee."

(The next day)

"Ok Lexie, JJ and I are heading to the BAU So Mrs. Jones will be here to watch you. Have a good day I'll be back as soon as possible."

"K bye."

(At the BAU)

"Hey guys look who it is the long lost Emily Prentiss." Rossi said as they walked through the door.

"Hey guys. Before we get started I do have something I should tell you all. Two days ago I found out that my ex husband died."

"Ex husband but you're gay."

"Yes it was a long time ago. And him and I had a Child together."

"EMILY!!!! You have a child?" Everyone looked shock as she said those words.

"Yes, her name is Lexie and she's thirteen."

"Wow I-ah I just never a th—- Garcia was so shocked she couldn't even find words."

"So if anything happens I might not be able to be here all the time but I'll try."

"Of course Emily, you know you can take time off if you need." Hotch said stunned.

"No I had a while off I can be here. It's just I might need to leave on some occasions."

"Ok well we have a case and luckily it's right here in Virginia."

"Yesterday a man was found shot in his backyard and on top of his body there was a letter reading a number 4. We don't know what it means yet but Reid will come up with something hopefully." Hotch said eyeing the genius boy. Ok everyone wheels up in thirty."

Hey sorry this was a lame chapter but hopefully you liked it! I will get more in-depth with Lexie next chapter and beware next chapter will have a very sexual scene so plz be mature or don't read. Thanks!!

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