Harmful and hopeless

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The team had just finished the case and were all heading back to Quantico as Emily worried about Lexie.

"Ok I really have to get home bye guys." Emily said as she hurried off.

"Ok guess I'm leaving she's my ride, see ya." JJ said running after Emily.

"Hey Em please stop worrying so much she's safe with the nanny... uhhh what's her name again?" When JJ said that Emily stepped on the gas and sped home. When they arrived Lexie was already sleeping and Mrs. Jones was packing her stuff up to leave.

"Thanks Linda." Emily said as she handed the lady money and went to check on Lexie again.

"Ok so she's asleep and I think we have some fun." JJ said with a smile.

"JJ we cannot have sex with a thirteen year old in the room down the hall."

"She won't hear us we'll be quiet. Doesn't it good after a long hard day at work." JJ said grabbing Emily and pulling her into a kiss.

"Well it does sound good." Emily said unbuttoning her shirt.

"Then let's make it quick." JJ said unbuttoning her shirt as well.

The two women got into their bed and made sure to be very quiet.

"You're so sexy when your naked." Emily said to JJ as she grabbed her hair.

"Glad I can say the same to you. Now kiss me."

"You got it."

They had sex for a while until they heard Lexie move so they stopped and got dressed and Emily went to check on Lexie.

"Hey Lex is everything ok?"

"Yeah I just was having a hard time getting back to sleep."

"Do you need anything?"


"Lexie let's have a talk."

"About what?"

"I can tell you don't really like it here and the whole lesbian thing."

"Well it's not really my place to step in but my daddy always said it's against the Bible and we always went to church."

"Ok well you don't have to agree with it I guess but you are going to be living with us so maybe you can try to accept it?" Emily said with sorry eyes.

"Maybe, look Emily I should get back to bed."

"Ok I'll see you in the morning."

"K goodnight."

"JJ she called me Emily not mom. I knew it she hates it here."

"Em it's alright I mean she'll have to start calling you mom eventually. Let's get some sleep we probably have a case tomorrow."

(The next morning)

"Ok bye Lexie see you later."


Lexie was left with Mrs. Jones again while Emily and JJ went to the BAU. She felt bad but she did have a committed job.

"Ok so we have a family kidnapping. Two parents and one child, we leave for Pennsylvania in one hour, be ready." Hotch said in a rush.

About twenty minutes later Emily got a phone call from Mrs. Jones she said that Lexie was missing......

"Hi Linda is everything alright?"

"No Lexie is missing."

"What do you mean Lexie is missing?"

"Like I went to do the dishes from breakfast and when I went to check on her on her room she was gone. He jacket is missing so she must've went somewhere near by she barely know it around here."

"Oh my god ok I'll be home as soon as possible."

"JJ! JJ! It's Lexie she's gone!"

"Woah slow down Emily what do you mean she's gone?"

"Linda called and said she left the house."

"Ok well she probably can't be that far let's go."

"Hotch my daughter is missing we gotta go."

"Ok Emily is everything alri——

Emily left before Hotch could finish his sentence and sped out the door so quick. When she got home Lexie wasn't there and Mrs. Jones was panicking.

"Linda where did she go? You must've seen something."

"I'm sorry I was just doing the dishes and she was gone."

"JJ we gotta go find her, we'll split up."


The two women searched for hours until Emily found her sitting on a bench almost a mile away form her apartment.

"Lexie why the hell did you leave the house! You know better then to do that. I can't believe that you would—

"Emily I don't want to live with you. Ok I don't like it, it feels weird and it doesn't feel like you're my mom. I just miss my dad and I wish that he never died."

Lexie fell into Emily's arms sobbing as Emily started to cry too.

"Lexie it's going to be ok sweetie I promise. I'll be better. I'll take time off work and spend time with you. I'll do whatever to make it feel like I'm your mom. Ok? Please give me a chance."

"it just feels so different. One second I was with my dad in California, now I'm with my estranged mother in Virginia."

"I know you miss him but I always wanted to see you again. And too love you just let me be your mother. Let's go home."

Emily, JJ and Lexie walked home with Emily comforting Lexie all the way. Emily knew this really was going to take a while for Lexie to love her, but she was willing to wait.

"I'm going to go take a shower." Lexie said as she walked away still tears in her eyes.

Emily started to sob in JJ's arms as JJ shed a tear or two, she just hated seeing Emily cry.

"It's going to be ok Em. Let's just hope." JJ said as she looked into her eyes.

"But hoping can be harmful." Emily said inside her head as JJ walked away. Those were the last words Charles said before he left.


Sorry this chapter was shorter but I needed to get something up. Anyways next chapter is going to be rough so get ready.

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