Oh, the innocent

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"Have you gotten anything yet?" JJ said worriedly

"I don't know I'll call Garcia." Hotch Said.

"Hello my friends." Garcia said when she popped up. " I know what you all are going to say and yes I did find more about our guy John."

"What ya got baby girl?" Morgan said.

"Johns father owned a department store that had apartments above and the apartments and department store are abandoned now."

"Ok thanks baby girl." Let's move Derek said.


"What's that noise?" Zoe said as John was making his way down the stairs.

"It's him Zoe just stay quiet and don't look or say anything."

"Ok." Zoe said with a trembling voice.

"Lookie, lookie what do we have here Emily and Zoe. Who shall I take first?"

John grabbed Zoe by the arm and started to drag her away. When Emily saw him taking her and heard her screaming she got up and started to scream at him saying that he couldn't take her.

"You can't take her she's only twelve, please John take me."

"Volunteer?" John said as he set Zoe down and walked over to Emily.

"It's been a while Emily, I've missed you."

All Emily did was gasp for air as he was wrapping his fingers around her neck. John started to drag Emily away until Zoe started screaming.

"Emily! Nooo you can't leave me!"

"Zoe please be quiet I'll be ok."

"Nooo I'm scared of being alone in the dark."

"Zoe I'll be back in a little bit." Emily said as tears started to form in her eyes.

"O-o-k." Zoe was crying now."


"Hello? FBI, open up."

When no one answered Derek kicked down the door and started up the stairs with the team following close behind.

"Clear." Derek said as Hotch started down to the basement.

When they arrived in the basement they saw John, Emily and Zoe. Rossi took Zoe to the hospital and Derek carried Emily out of the cold basement while Hotch arrested John.

They took Emily to the hospital to get her checked up because she had been brutally beaten and had a blunt force trauma from John knocking her out.

(Later at the hospital)

"Emily?" JJ said as she stepped into her room alone.

"Hey, JJ."

"I'm so sorry I should've never left your house."

"It's ok I understand if you don't want to be together."

"Of course I want to be together I love you like crazy, it's just I'm still grieving over the deaths of my boyfriend and son."

"I get it that's the hardest thing anyone would ever have to go through. Just know I'm here."

"That means a lot Em."

"What did he do to you Em?"

"Nothing serious he just hit me and gave me a concussion he didn't get a chance to rape me or Zoe.

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