Fight like hell

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It had been almost two hours since Emily had gotten on the plane and she was about to land, Emily couldn't stop thinking about the conversation with her mother... How would she tell JJ? How would she tell Lexie?

"Hey Emily you almost home?" JJ said on the other line of the telephone.

"Yeah I'll be there in less than an hour. I have something I need to tell you all when I get home."

"Sure, is everything ok Em?"

"I'm not really sure JJ we'll talk when I get home." Emily hung up the phone and began to sob again, how could she let this happen.. again..

"I knew she was hiding something." JJ said a little to loudly as she woke Lexie up from a nap.

"Who is hiding something?" Lexie asked concerned.

"Where's Emily?"

"She'll be home soon Lex." She said with unease.

(An hour later)

"Hi!! I'm home." Emily said shouting as she walked through the door. She gave Lexie a hug first then moved on to JJ.

"Hi mom how was your trip with your friend?"

"Umm hey Lexie I need to talk to you and JJ together but I first want to talk to JJ alone, would you mind hanging out in your room for a few?"

"Um sure."

"Em? What's going on? You're making me scared. Did something happen with your mother?"

"JJ it's terrible." Emily said as she began to bawl in JJ's arms.

"Em What the hell is wrong? Tell me now!"

"My mother wants to take Lexie away from me!"

"W-what do you mean? How does she even know you have her? You said that you never told her."

"I didn't but she found out that Charles died and she put the pieces together. What am I going to do?" She said as she cried even more.

"Em they're not going to let her take Lexie away you're her mother and she's happy here."

"That's what I said but my mother pointed out reasons to think otherwise.. Like the fact that I'm always gone and that I let her get kidnapped and run away."

"Well that's not your fault. Emily listen to me they are not going take her away. Ok? You know why?"

"Why JJ?" Emily asked sniffling.

"Because you're going to fight like hell for her. When they see how much you love her and how happy she is with you they could never. I promise you we won't let this happen."

"Oh JJ how am I going to tell Lexie?"

"Just tell her the truth but don't make it seem so bad and tell her that there is no way she's leaving you. Go and get her Em." Emily walked into the room afraid she might lose that sweet face again.

"Hey Lex can you come out? JJ and I have to tell you something." JJ and Emily explained that her estranged grandma wanted to take her into custody but they weren't going to let it happen.

"So what are you going to do then?" Lexie asked with tears in her eyes.

"Well if my mother is very serious about this then she we will probably go to court."

"Oh my gosh Emily you can't let them take me away!" Lexie said breathing heavily.

"It's ok Lexie just breathe, just breathe." Emily said comforting her daughter.

"I already lost my dad I can't lose you."

"You're not going anywhere I promise." That night was rough Lexie couldn't sleep and when she finally did Emily and JJ couldn't sleep either.


"Yes Em?"

"I'm scared."

"Emily we're not going to let them take her away, you hear me? She'll be okay, we'll be okay. Now get some sleep." JJ said stroking Emily's hair.

(Next morning)

"No case, day off." Is what  Hotch had texted.

"At least we have no case today." JJ told Emily.

"JJ I have to call my mother."


(On the phone with Emily's mother)

"Hi Emily, I was hoping you would call again. You left so soon yesterday."

"Mom I think you know why I'm calling and that's because you are not taking my daughter and you know I won't let you."

"Emily it's for yours and her own good, I'm doing you a favor honestly."

"Oh really is that what you think this is. Well then I don't want your favors, leave me and my family alone or I will take Lexie and JJ and run far away so you will never find us again." After that Emily hung up disgusted by her mothers actions.

"How did it go em?" JJ asked when she walked into the room.

"We might have to leave the country." Emily said stone faced.

The next few days passed by slowly, Emily and JJ both took time off work and stayed with Lexie, they didn't trust anyone right now. Until they got a knock on the door.

"Hello?" Emily said as she answered the door.

"Emily Prentiss?" A strange man said.

"Um yes?"

"We are with Child Protective Services and we are her to take your daughter Lexie Kenning."

"What do you mean, I haven't done anything you can't take her!" A woman escorted Lexie out of the house as she started to bawl. Emily just stood there she didn't know what to do, they couldn't just come in and take her when she hadn't done anything.

"Get your hands off of her." Emily said enraged.

"Emily stop!" JJ said pulling her back. "You can't get into more trouble right now."

CPS took Lexie and the cops took Emily to question her... Even though Emily had no idea what she had done.

(At the station)

"Ok I am in the FBI can someone please tell me why the hell you took my daughter.

"We have reason to believe—

"Ok don't talk to me like I'm a criminal, I know hell lot more about them then you do. Talk to me like I'm human."

"You told your mother you were going to take Lexie and run away." One of the cops said.

"Only if she tried to take my daughter away. She wants custody you know."

"Yes but no matter what you cannot say you will run it's against the law especially in a custody battle." After that the cops left and Emily was left in a interrogation room how ironic.

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