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"Wait what?" Derek said he was in complete shock and he didn't know what to say.

"Yeah I'm lesbian, I know this is a lot to take in right now and I don't expect you to just be cool with it but—

"Em, are you kidding me of course I'm cool with it."

Emily suddenly started to smile as Derek said those words, she was happy that her best friend was ok with her being gay.

"Really, that's great I'm so happy you're cool with it."

"Yeah totally, so um whose the lucky girl?" Derek said with a devilish smile.

"Woah woah slow down I never said anything about having a girlfriend."

"Ok well anybody you have in mind pretty lady?"

"There is one person I like." Emily's mind suddenly thought of JJ.

Emily had been in love with JJ since they met five years ago, she had always known that she was the reason she was lesbian and that's when she knew that she would never date a man again.

"Em?" "Em?"

Emily's mind suddenly focused back on Derek.

"Yeah sorry, what?"

"Who do you like?"

"Oh Derek Morgan you might never know the answer to that and if you ever did it sure won't be today."

"Ok, ok I won't ask again but I'm glad you told me  about your secret."

As soon as Morgan said that Emily remembered that she had another secret that only now JJ knew.

"Uh Derek that isn't my only secret by the way."

"No?" "What else is there to spill?"

"Ok I'll tell you but brace yourself it's very sad."

"Derek, when I was fourteen I was raped."

"Oh my god why the hell have you never told me, Emily I'm so sorry that must've been hard on you."

"It was pretty bad, and I guess that had something to do with me being gay."

"Well I'm really sorry princess but I'm glad you're safe now and that you're starting to come out." "Are you planning on telling anyone else?"

"I mean I will but not now I need to find a way to tell certain people the I'll come out to

everyone, but you can't tell anyone."

"Your secret is safe with me baby." Derek said with a wink.

"Well now that you're lesbian I guess I can hit on you without it being weird."

"Slow down there big boy, you can't hit on me no matter how sexy I am."

"Damn, there goes my plans for I don't know every night of my life."

Emily and Derek spent the rest of the night laughing and talking and they both became more comfortable with each other.

"Well baby I guess I better get going it's getting late."

"Alright Morgan thanks for coming this was fun." Said Em as she slightly giggled.

"Yeah, sure was see ya tomorrow bright and early as Hotch said."

Derek left Emily's house and made his way to a cab waiting outside.

"Hello everyone." Hotch said as he walked into the bullpen.

"Hello." Everyone said back.

Everyone was thinking the same thing when they all realized that JJ wasn't there and Emily started to dial her phone number.

When I met you... (Jemily fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now