The best is yet to come

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Emily and JJ arrived home to Emily's apartment and they were about to settle in the bed when Emily's phone rang.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Hey, it's Reid, you called me earlier Emily and told me you wanted to tell me something."

"Oh, yeah is it ok if we meet at the bullpen around 5 am when no one is there I have a secret and I really need to tell someone and your closest with JJ so..

"Ooh it's about JJ?"


"Ok, I'll meet you bright and early Em. See you tomorrow."

Emily and JJ dozed off to sleep together... Well Emily didn't fall asleep she just stared at JJ all night waiting for 5 am. When the clock struck 5 Emily got up carefully making sure not to wake up JJ and she left her apartment with a note saying where she went.

When Emily arrived at the BAU Spencer was waiting for her with a curious look on his face.

"Hey Spence thanks for meeting me here!"

"No problem anything for my favorite black haired FBI agent."

Emily chuckled as she knew she would have to get serious soon.

"Anyways, What is it you wanted to tell me?"

"Ummm so you know how JJ and I are together, right?"

"Yeah and the cutest gay couple ever!!"

"Thanks Spence, but this is serious."

"Sorry Em, continue."

"So I'm just going to come out and say this.... I want to propose to JJ... I feel like we really love each other and trust each other and I want her in my life forever."

"Oh my gosh..."

"What? You don't think it's a good idea?"

"No no it's not that it's just haven't you two only been fully together for like 1 month?"

"I mean technically but I just don't want her to leave me again."

"Well if it's what you want then go for it."

"You don't think it's a good idea...."

"No I just think it's kind of too soon. JJ is my best friend and I don't want her to get hurt or you for that matter."

"Yeah, ok maybe you're right it's too soon."

Emily went along acting like she agreed with Spencer but deep down her soul and heart were aching. Emily arrived back at the hotel to find JJ awake and drinking coffee she made.

"Hey Em!"

"Hey Jayje."

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah yeah everything's fine."

"Ok I was a bit worried didn't know where you went."

"Didn't you get my note?"


"Oh Sergio must've taken it."

"Are you sure everything's ok?"

"Totally, just went to the BAU to talk to Reid about something, about work of course."

"Ok just let me know if something is wrong."

Emily felt a pain in her chest and didn't think she could go to work so she called in sick after JJ left.

"Hey Jayje." Garcia said when she walked through the door.

"Hey P." She Said back.

"Everything ok sugar?"

"Yeah but Emily's ok."

"Come on people let's go we have something to discuss...." Hotch said with no emotion.

"Ok so two night ago there was a...."

"Hey where's Emily?" JJ said panicking.

"She called in sick, why don't you know this you two practically live together." Hotch said as he started to move in with the case.

"Well she didn't tell me, she must've called in after I left.. she seemed weird this morning though." JJ said as Reid's eyesight shifted to Hotch.

"Reid! You know something, talk!"

"Umm JJ maybe later it's kinda private."

"No not later now!!"

"JJ please lower your voice." Hotch said as everyone stared at her.

"She is my girlfriend and I get to know what's up."

"Reid why don't you go talk to JJ outside please..."

"There's really nothing to talk about"—-

"Reid go talk to JJ." Hotch Said, he was getting angry now.

Reid and JJ went outside the building near a bench in the parking lot.

"Ok spill what wrong with Emily?"

"JJ Emily was going to propose to you."

"What the hell!! When, where, how do you know?" JJ was mad.

"She came to talk to me this morning very early. Reid Said.

"She told me it was about work."

"That's because I told her it was too soon."

"Why the hell would you say that?"

"Because JJ ever since you and Emily started dating I've felt like I'm losing my best friend. We never talk anymore or go out to dinner or do anything you're always with her!" Reid was screaming now.

"Awww Reid I'm sorry, I didn't know that it affected you so much I promise I'll try to be better."

"It's not just that you're not the same person you used to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since Henry died you are always depressed it feels like."

"Well Spence my son died what do you expect? Me to be happy all the time when I know I can't go home to him or Will anymore. That's why I go to Emily's all the time I don't like being alone in that house."

"Then you should've came to mine!" Reid started to walk away.

"Reid please come back."

"We have a case and that's important right now."

JJ and Reid never got in fights so this pained her so bad she started to cry.


Back at home Emily was sad and depressed, all she did was lie in bed and cry because of what happened this morning. She didn't think she could go back to work tomorrow and face Reid.

"Ring" "Ring" Emily's phone started ringing it was JJ. Emily let it go to voicemail she knew that Reid probably told JJ everything she couldn't face it right now.

Back in the BAU parking lot JJ decided to go home and see if Emily was okay, she didn't even tell the team she was leaving but she didn't care.

"Emily? Honey are you in here?"

Emily was shocked when JJ entered she thought she would be halfway to god knows where on the jet right now.

"Hey JJ why aren't you At the BAU?"

"Reid told me some things and he flipped out on me but I needed to make sure you were ok. Are you?"

"Honestly not really I just want us to be happy and JJ I don't think you want you this as much as me."

"Of course I do what are you talking about? I love you Emily Prentiss. And would you make me the happiest women on earth and marry me?"

Those words made her collapse and fall on her knees sobbing.

"Of course I will Jennifer Jareau. I love you too!"

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