Real life nightmare

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Just as Emily said, JJ sent a mass text message to the team and left for the BAU. Meanwhile Emily was heading off to where Josephine lived to go and get her daughter.

"Emily I'm gonna go now it will be alright I promise." JJ said hugging her fiancé and comforting her.

"I really hope you're right JJ because I can't lose her again." Emily said with tears in her eyes.

"Ok I'm gonna go Em, go find your kid." JJ says as she left the apartment.

"That's my daughter out there in danger and I have to protect her." Emily said inside her head as she headed out to save Lexie.

When JJ arrived at the BAU everyone was puzzled of why she sent the mass text. JJ didn't give any description she just said there's an emergency and to meet her at headquarters.

"What's the emergency JJ?" Garcia asks fearful.

"Emily's daughter could be in trouble and we have to help her, she went over to her friends house and hasn't returned, Emily went to look for her."

"Oh my golly that's horrible." Garcia said comforting the blonde agent.

"She asked us for backup we're supposed to meet her at this address." JJ said showing them the map on her cellphone.

"Ok everyone let's move and save Emily's daughter." Hotch said as the team started to move out.

Meanwhile Emily was on her way to Josephine's house which she had to track down since Lexie never told her where the house was.
When Emily arrived she ran up to the door, knocked and when no one answered she shouted and screamed as the team was pulling up in the black SUV.

"Is she in there Emily?" JJ asked when she saw Emily at the door.

"I don't know no one is answering."

"Ok everyone let's move in." Hotch said as Morgan was ready to knock down the door.

"HELLO!! FBI!! Show yourself. We know you have Lexie Kenning." Hotch said as no one answered.

When Emily turned around she saw the man carrying Lexie out into a car trying to sneak by. When Emily saw this she fired her gun and Lexie fell to the ground. Emily ran over to her and picked her up hugging and comforting her.

"Oh Lexie it's ok sweetie I am right here, I'm right here."

The rest of the team called a medic for Thomas Carter was his name and Emily and JJ took Lexie to the hospital.

"Lexie What did he do to you?" Emily said worriedly.

"Nothing I said a hundred times I'm fine he just hit me and made me pass out but that's it."

"Ok well I have to go make a call I'll be right back." As Emily stepped out JJ leaned in to ask her the same question.

"Ok Lex I know he did something to you, now that Emily's gone can you please tell me. Lexie, did he rape you?" All the sudden Lexie bursted into to tears.

"Yes he did but you can't tell Emily she'll make me go to therapy and I can't I already had to once when I was six."

"Oh Lexie I have to tell her she's your mother."

"I don't want to talk about it please." She was sobbing now.

"Lexie no one should ever stay silent about that. We have to tell Emily."


"I'll go get her."


"Hey whats up is Lexie ok?"

"Not really Emily."

"What do mean she's not?"

"Emily that man raped her."

"What.... why wouldn't she tell me that."

"Because She doesn't want to go to therapy."

"Oh my god. Oh my... I can't believe he would do that to a thirteen year old girl. That's sick. That's just bull—

"Well he's dead Em we dont have to worry about it anymore. But right now Lexie needs you, she needs her mother."

"I know it's just hard because I know what it's like and I just can't think about her having to go through that much torture."

"I'll let you and her talk, I have to make a few calls."

"Ok thanks JJ I love you."

Emily walked back into the room and was ready to talk to Lexie about this encounter.

"Hey Lexie can we talk?"

"JJ told you didn't she?"

"Lexie it's not a secret you can hide sweetie. We really do have to talk about it even though I know you don't want to."

"I know..."

"Lexie I'm going to tell you something, ok?"


"Lexie when I was about your age, I was raped too."

"You were?"

"Yep I never told anyone not even my mom. Lexie I'm sorry for being a bad mom I'm going to be better I promise ok? I love you so much no matter what and I can't lose you again."

"I love you too mom." Finally Lexie had called her mom and meant it. All Emily wanted was to gain Lexie's trust and love back and she had finally done so. Emily hugged Lexie so tight she thought she might pop.

"Ok Lexie let's go home."

(Back home)

"Hey mom?" Lexie said when she entered the room at almost midnight.

"What's wrong you can't sleep?" As Emily looked at JJ passed out next to her.

"I was just wondering... what happened to Josephine?"

"Well that man had been holding Josephine captive for almost two years. He had raped her too."

"Is she ok?"

"Yeah, she got placed with child protective services, she'll be fine Lex."

"But I'll never see her again."

"Oh Lexie sometimes things aren't meant to be." Emily said hugging her daughter.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't say that, it's not your fault I'm just glad your safe now." After minutes of talking Lexie fell asleep in Emily's arms till Emily woke up to a text.

"Hi Emily it's your mother again. I was wondering if we could meet up it's really important, I really hope you can make it tomorrow at twelve pm at Shay's cafe."

Emily's mother again what the hell did she want.

"Guess I'm going to Maryland tomorrow." She said as she drifted back to sleep.

Hey guys sorry it took me so long I was really busy. But hope you liked this chapter I'll get another one up soon!!!

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