Boy wonder

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Well Emily couldn't believe it JJ had proposed to her and they were going to get married! This was probably the happiest day of her life and she wasn't going to waste anytime.

"So JJ when do you think we should get married?"

"Well I don't know usually people wait like 6 months or so."

"Yeah ok that's not too long."

"Hey Em you can tell the team but let me tell Reid personally, if you don't mind."

"No that's fine you tell him."

"Thanks Em."

"I just can't believe this is happening!"

"I can, I knew I loved you from the minute I saw you I just didn't know if they were real feelings, but they are."

Emily still couldn't believe this she never thought this day would come.

"Ok well I should probably go back to the BAU we probably have a big case. You coming?" JJ Asked.

"Well I mean I did call in sick so I'll just stay home today." Emily said.

"Ok, bye!"

"Bye Jayje."

(At the BAU)

"JJ where the hell did you go without telling me." Hotch yelled at her.

"I'm sorry Hotch I had something important to take care of."

"Really more important than two women being abducted?"

"I'm sorry it won't happen again sir."

"No it won't now go get on the jet with the rest of the team."

JJ was worried that she made a big mistake by leaving but she knew Emily was worth it.

(On the jet)

"Hey Reid."

"Hi Jennifer."

JJ knew that meant Reid was mad at her because he never called her Jennifer even when they did fight.

"Reid you know I'm sorry, how many times do I have to say it?"

"JJ I really don't want to talk about this right now. Ok?"

"Fine." JJ got up to go sit by Morgan seemed like everyone else was mad at her.

"Hey JJ you ok?"

"I would be if everyone on this team wasn't mad at me."

"Who's mad at you?"

"Hotch and Reid."

"They'll get over it JJ."

"I hope so." JJ whispered under her breath.

"Hello my friend I have an update on the abduction case." Garcia said as she popped up on the screen.

"Ok Baby girl what do you got?" Morgan said.

"Well Sarah the older one had an ex husband that didn't take the divorce to well and before he singed the papers he said he would get her back for that." Garcia talked with a sad tone.

"Ok but what does that have to do with Paisley the other one the unsub abducted?"

"That's where it gets weird. Paisley is the step daughter of the The ex husband of Sarah and Paisleys mother said that they didn't get along to well. So maybe the unsub is going after women who don't treat him well."

"Ok thanks Garcia keep digging."

"Will do eyebrows! Garcia out." She Said as she disappeared.

"Ok so this unsub probably doesn't want to hurt them but feels he has no choice because of the way they treated him." JJ said.

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