-Death's grace-

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Max's pov:

unlike your world ours is governed by gods and we now that for sure, hell and heaven exist with next life, the continent I am from I reigned over by those you named Greek gods in your world.

when a child is born somewhere in the world the gods of that area will give it their blessing which imbues the child with the ability to harbour the power of the god or goddess that chose them to use their powers, like for example if you are blessed by Zeus himself you'd be able to generate electricity in your body and spark it alive in a lightning shot from the tips of your finger.

it is expected people in the same family are blessed by the same god or goddess each generation but for my family that changed with my birth.

the name's Max Silver and I just had my 18th birthday not long ago, up until I was born my family was favoured by the god of the ocean, Poseidon himself, but I was chosen by another god, Hades god of the dead and that was a rare occurrence since it is rare for him to find someone he sees worthy enough of his powers.

one of my powers being that I could call upon the shadows around me to do my bidding and also raise an army of dead.... well that last thing only true if I get strong enough to do that, I still have much to learn.

we all go to school where half the time it is usual stuff like maths or geography but the other half of the time is spent learning about our blessings, being of Hades I was the only student in this school training with his power, lucky me they had a teacher also blessed by him so I didn't need to transfer to find a teacher.

here is a picture of my face.

you might wonder why my eyes are grey, well we all know eyes are sensitive parts of the human body, godly powers stain them with the colour most representing them so that's why

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you might wonder why my eyes are grey, well we all know eyes are sensitive parts of the human body, godly powers stain them with the colour most representing them so that's why.

knowing Hades liked me made me a bit of a daredevil, I would always get out a tight situations alive and well.

Death's pov:

I sighed and rubbed down my face, observing this human, Max, like I always did and did since she was born.

at first I just thought boredom is the reason I zoomed in on one human's life in particular but now I was head over heels for her.

I would never let my influence take her  away... weird hmmm? Death working hard to keep a simple girl alive.

yes as you heard I am Death, not a grim reaper, those work for me and are under my control and nowadays I have a lot of them. I cannot deal with all the deaths alone even I'd die to that job, plants, insects or humans all die so I made my helpers to remain sane.

the grim reapers instantly are aware something has died and appear at the scene to take the souls, they are aware of that since I am aware of it, being Death, I had my own lists of souls where I could decide to send someone to hell or heaven myself... oh being Death is not an easy job.

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