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Death's pov:

I stayed up late to work on my lists, working to be done with as many days in advance as I could, I would still need to do purgatory stuff so I'd need hide away from a while each day of the games since I'll be in the arena with 15 different people that could see me, we were eight teams of two.

lucky me the rules didn't change from an arena to the next, I never got a look at the official arenas but they must be huge since it is a week long event we compete in.

we'll only have the provided around and our own knowledge since everything else is already in the arena.

I did some research on the competition and found most of them were water and earth with two of lightning and one of fire with most teams mixing elements, match people from different gods from their school's together so a team of the same god was rare.

I suppose the only reason Max and I are together as we are really the best choices available, I do need to be the best after all, I never forgot that minor god hunting for those blessed by Hades, Mr. Col was injured in a mugging a few days ago and is in critical state but I'd bet it wasn't a mugging but that minor god, I am strong as I did come down to earth to keep them away from Max after all.

I have the sneaking feeling that one of the competitors will be the god since if they killed her in the arena there wouldn't be a search and uproar of the humans plus she is one of the last ones the humans know as blessed by Hades as they worked fast... if only I knew who they were, I could kill them right away and get this over with before they cause trouble.

I worked on trying to find out the truth and my lists.

I was in a hurry to finish as I had called over Max, I noticed a few things while looking at her train, for most student participating it was noted they reached a level where they could condense powers into a weapon they would use and I also saw she couldn't do that.

she was taking long, did I forgive to tell her the address?


guess not, no one else came here so I always floated around my home and it was high up so no one could see in my window.

Max's pov:

 I tapped my foot as I rang again, did she forget she invited me over? don't tell me she left.

I was trying to not overthink it, thinking of this as a professional meeting but what could happen if we ever-- stop brain, not now, never, nope, nada, nem, non, nein, no.....I will not have dirty thoughts!! 




I failed miserably it seems.

the door clicking open brought me back to reality but there was no one behind it.

"Death?" I took a step in, looking left and right.

"boo" I jumped backwards as I came face to face with her and she was floating again, her back against the ceiling and laughing.

"that was a shitty move"

"s-sorry I just couldn't help it, I saw the opportunity and I needed to take it."

"must you float looking like that?"

"looking like what?"

"like a model posing on the beach for her photoshoot" she was laying on her side like there was ground under her.

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