-The chosen-

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Max's pov:

"are you still participating in the games if you are.... you know.... Death?"

"yep yep, you see this necklace around my neck? Hades made it for me, it make me as close to humans as I can be, limiting a bit of my powers"

"you'd still be a bit over powered wouldn't you be?"

"naaaah, I can do what you can just with bigger reserves for my powers"

I was chatting with Death or Eath as I call her around other.

both of us talking about the selection that would happen, choosing who was going to represent the school at the players in the games, the big one with the scholarship I mentioned earlier, the one leading to being about to go worldwide.... just as my brother was doing before the accident.... I will still live my dream of joining them and win.

I stared at Death as she was skipping as we walked together, crossing paths as we made our way to school, she does look cute like this... fuck wait, no way I can let Red hear me accidentally say that out loud or she'll be talking none stop for the next few days.

"what are you listening too?" I asked, she had only one earphone in so she could hear what I was saying but still listen to her music.

"hmmm.... here" she hand me her unplugged earphone.

"I'm not even surprised anymore, why would I be?" I asked, handing her earphone back and she shrugged with a smile. " will you ever tell me now why you are so hell bent on keeping me alive?"

"nope, can't do"

"come on you need to crack under the pressure soon enough"

"I'm Death, I wait for what Life created"

"huh? what you mean?"

"from the second we are born, we are dying..... this is one of your humans poem thingy that ties me and Life together..... the one that's more commonly known is called 'Life loves Death' and goes as follows: Life and Death were never enemies, they are lovers. Life creates the most beautiful of things and sends them to Death. Death waits for a long time but he waits for his love's gifts. Because everything Life creates is for Death to have and keep forever..... funniest thing of all is they assumed I was the man while writing that"

"you aren't denying what the poem claims tho" she sighed while I felt jealous to death.... almost literally meaning that since Death is here with me.

"we once were something, back when I was just an idea floating around and with no body of my own, when you humans came around to be in the images of gods we were both given bodies and Life walked hand in hand with Death, made as a pair in the cycle of life and death, one couldn't exist without the other.... tho that's a lie. Life can exist without Death, making immortality true but with me even that can have an end. Life can exist without me but if there is Death there must be Life too so I was the more useful and powerful one since if Life vanished, with a bit of tweaking, I could keep the cycle going myself because as long as I exist there must be life that will die at some point.... we grew apart soon after we became physical and they grew greedy, overwhelmed by their power, giving life to monsters just to create.... the gods punished them to wonder the earth invisible, untouchable, mute, deaf and blind" I was a bit relived they were not close like they were created to be but still felt bad for thinking that way.

"you referred to Life as them"

"it's because they asked for it.... they don't like him or her even if gods planed for them to be my male counterpart, they prefer gender neutral pronouns and I will keep calling them 'them' even if they aren't around because that's what is polite to do"

"damn, normally Life is represented as a female and death as male.... how did we humans mix it up?"

"I have no idea but since I showed myself not long ago at that festival of yours I suppose things are about to change"


"so Max, you think you'd be chosen for this tournament?"

"well I hope so, since my dream is to compete internationally"

"you know it will be more deadly than it is right now?"

"I know but I have you to help me out right?"

"true.... but you should never lower your guard because of me got it?"

"I won't, don't worry"

the day went on without any problems or anything out of the norm, the list of who made it were put up in the halls while we were in class, there were always put up in each school so you knew who got in and from which school there were from.... it was classed A to Z.

I easily found Death's name on it, I honestly don't know of a reason why she wouldn't have been chosen, she is Death after.

I smirked widely as my name was on it too..... this is bound to get really interesting from here on out~

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