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Max's pov:

"I am totally serious Red!"

"you must have hit your head hard"

"what no! please believe me!"

this has been going on for hours now, instead of studying we were in my room and I was trying to convince Red Eaths indeed Death... BUT SHE WOULDN'T BELIEVE ME!!!!

"have you slept enough?"

"Red I gave you all the fact about how she is death"

"but that doesn't mean she really is death"

"damn you.... you know what? fucking know what? I'll show you"

I looked around the room but found nothing on interest as I summoned forth a wolf beast, Death's beasts so it should work.

I looked into its eyes, the flames blazing in them all consuming.

"beast I order you to.... kill me"

"are you out of your mind?!!" Red screamed but I ignored her words, this is the only way.

the beast looked to hesitate, it is not everyday you are asked to kill the one bringing you here and I was also slightly scared, what if this time it is the last time?

I flinched at the beast pounced forwards, maw open and I didn't know what I was expecting but it wasn't a reaper coming out of nowhere and catching the beast by its neck, a familiar winged reaper which means...

"by all the gods Max!!" Death face palmed with a glare, sitting on the reaper's shoulder. "seriously dude?!"

"don't blame me, she didn't wanna believe you are Death!"

"am I?"

"you are sitting on a reaper that appeared out of nowhere to stop my improvised suicide attempt meant to lure you out of hiding and show her I am not lying or sleep deprived"

"oh........... fuck... didn't see you there..."

"you see?!" I waved at Death while I stared back at Red "she is Death!"

"..... I have no words" Red said, staring up at the reaper and Death.

"you idiots.... always so careless, at least your friend here doesn't need me to always rewrite the lists to keep her alive" she huffed, crossing out something on a list as she talked, I'd bet it is because of me she doesn't do that for other people.

Red seem to share of own morbid curiosity over the lists as we watching them change and new being added to them, the beast was gone but the reaper just floated in a corner of the room.

"you always seem to be hanging around with him"

"well yeah he is the first reaper and the first winged one, my personal reaper"

"but if they are made from human souls why don't they look human?" Red asked.

"they look human at the start but they slowly end up loosing all their humanity and since reapers only goal in life and death is to serve me mindlessly that's what makes winged ones rare, because they have a human mind and are so neutral they fit my criteria to join the winged reapers"

"but can't you like.... kill them?"

"true but their soul would just..... explode in a cloud of dust if you will but reform as I 'switch them back on', these grim reapers and even the normal ones still have enough of a mind to make choices like if the human soul should be sent to heaven, hell, on to their next life or to purgatory where I'll be the last judge as to where they'll end up..... the winged ones can ask me to end their life of servitude, it happens..... but not a lot"

"how do they actually take the souls?"

"the day of someone's death is set in stoner at least an estimate date exists, the reaper with wait around near as unless called forth or in the moments before death they are unseen by human eyes. they will hover over the body, mouth gapping open, breathing in the soul and out of the body, consuming the soul before heading on to their next targeted human"

"why do we have a saying about the 'sweet kiss of death' if there is nothing of that happening?" I asked, cutting of Red and making Death deadpan at me.

"because you little humans are strange creatures, I never kissed any of you guys and I know you'd live, my death touch is just that, a touch of the hands, that's why I wear these gloves"

"so you had your first kiss with a god? you never said you didn't"

"lets not do this okay?"

"okay fine you butt.... how do your hands kill?"

"I am made to take soul, I am made to hold them and take them with my own two hands, that is why I have a deadly touch but since now I have the reapers working away I have no real need for this ability but I'll still have it since I am Death so yep"

"they say lilies are the flowers of death" Red said before I could ask more.

"well I like them a lot, really pretty flowers so you could say that if you want"

"why are you pictured as an old man?"

"the grim reapers"

"I now about summoning but is there more tiers I don't know off?" I quickly said.

"well you know of the first few, those being skeletons, souls of the damned, the undead knights, either one demon or hellish beasts, that is the usual tiers and after that there is a few more, Cerberus is one of them, Hades' three headed dog, humans with a lot of power can still summon him, next it the reapers which is rarer then Cerberus, after that only I can summon these, any type of souls and the death from my finger tips.... there is one last layer but even I cannot do that, theoretically you could do it but it requires the gods to have given you a shit tone of their powers and for now only gods are able to do it"

"oooh do tell, what's that"

"it is summoning death.... literally summoning me to you but only the gods are strong enough to do that, it would instantly kill the person that tried to summon me before they even blinked..... or that's what I think could happen since it is not something people try"

"but what if you wished to be summoned by that person, like you blessed them like me, like they were made for this"

"I honestly don't know but I wouldn't recommend you to try it okay?!" she poked her lists harshly.

Max Silver was to die trying to summon something.

"I won't" I raised my arms in defeat as she traced out my name, foiling my plans before I could even think of them.

"but if you traced my name out that means I will not die in it"

"you won't but who knows what will happen to your body?"

after having all out questions satisfied with answers we let Death leave and go back to her duties tho she first made me promise to not try anything similar to what I did with the hell beast.

I stared at the area she was in.

"ooooh Max~ you are crushing~?" I shook my head to snap out of it and stare at Red with wide eyes.

"you joking right? I'm not"

"but you are, your face is completely red"

"because you embarrass me"


"but honestly dude! I'm not.... what would it do if I was anyway? my life is a mere drop in the ocean of her life, I will die in the end of my life, that's inevitable"

I sighed... am I really?... it would lead to nothing between a mere mortal and an immortal presence anyway...

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