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Max's pov:

"alright kids, all of you split up in your respective gods, today we'll have a round of selection for the tournament also known as the power games so hurry up" a teacher loudly said, in total there was sic of them accompanying us but despite it not being worldwide levels some sever injuries can still happened so the teachers that came were all blessed by the god of healing to be able to help if something happened.

each group went to their assigned area, for Hades it was the back of the bus so Eath and I ended up there.

the place the games took place was a huge arena, it was truly huge, official tournaments could last up to one whole week and despite it being an dangerous sport you weren't forced to kill the opponent just defeat them which is why my brother survived.

in the games each duo gets armour painted in the colours of their god and they enter the circular arena.

what is important is that each team has three small objects that is defined by the team before the game starts, I always chose three small silver dice and Red would pic three matchsticks and so on with each players picking out three identical small items that have something to do with your god we called them god attributes for that reason.

the goal was to spent that week of the games to hunt down the other team and collect the biggest number of god attributes possible and the winner was those that had the most in their possession by the end of the games.

to get those god attributes you could use any means necessary, even killing the opponent and on the last day of the games you were to head towards the centre of the arena which was a bare concrete circle with no covers to hide behind to present the attributes to the judges.

but to make it even harder in the area there is not only us humans but monstrous creatures to slow our progress since you only win if you are in the middle area by the end of the time even if you had all the attributes available.... the rules are complex and all over the place but if you know them you'll be fine.

since it is deadly you need to sign a paper that you legally are allowed to be killed in the arena, meaning no matter what happens your killer will never get in trouble.

this towns arena was small compared to the true power games' arena, those could fit over 200'000 people in them at once, it must be huge since we did have a week in those arenas and they had a few tricks to them other smaller ones didn't.

the bus finally stopped and everyone hurried out, the arenas could be called the modern ages Colosseum, probably being the same size, only taking an afternoon to get to the middle of it.

"alright kids, you will be split in duos making up eight groups in total for today, you'll have the afternoon to gather as many god attributes as you before heading to the middle, remember this is not an official match, no killing allowed" well yeah we in school not in the official tournaments.

I glanced to my side but saw Eath already looking at me, we both nodded, knowing there was no way we wouldn't end up being a team since we were the two people blessed by Hades.

I looked away from her, not liking that loo on her face, her one visible eye narrowed and a smile as she stared, I shivered as I still felt her gaze, her gaze as cold a death.

Death's pov:

I hummed, looking away happily, knowing we'd be a team.

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