-End and wandering-

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Death's pov:

well.... even when my own time is up I cannot do it correctly can I?

I was floating in a place, not of my own accord this time and it was pitch black all round me but I could still clearly see myself as if I was the light source, which I wasn't.

it felt like I was in some sort of weird liquid feeling a bit thick as I moved around, I couldn't see but one thing was sure off.... I was not alive. 

the hole in my chest and the blood on me were still around, I couldn't take a breath even if I wished too.

before I had the time to feel sad all just suddenly was gone, like a bad dream.... everything was alright again.

I stared at the white ceiling with a 'what the fuck' feeling in my chest.... wait, I was dead a few seconds ago, what just happened?

I looked down at myself to see a tone of wires hooked into my arms and I was wearing a thick layer of bandages around my torso.

I tapped my chest, testing the bandages right were I was stabbed, nothing, not even pain.

a nurse came in and was surprised with this, later the docs explained that I had mortal injuries but they arrived fast enough to save me, I went with it because I had no idea how this was happening...... and turns I was out for two month.

when I was let out of the hospital I instantly went to hell to with someone.

"Hades!" I called, slamming the doors open.

"ah Death! long time not seen, you are finally up again"

"yeah" I laid a hand over my chest, bandages covered by my T-shirt, it was washed out so now there was no blood staining it but the hole left by the stab wound was still present.

"how am I alive? I'm Death so I do know how people are supposed to feel when they die and I sure as hell died in the arena"

"Max tried summoning your soul back after you died and accidentally ended up summoning herself to hell instead" I face palmed at that, of course she would try something stupid.... "and then put up her soul in exchange of your life as a deal for me to bring you back"

"what?!" my head snapped up, he didn't did he.....

"don't worry I didn't take her soul" I sighed in relief. "but--" Hades told me something that I hated.

"Hades? can I ask something of the gods then? if I have no choice but go through with it"

"shot, do tell"

I was back on earth with my answer from the gods but wasn't too happy because now things were about to change.... forever.

I knocked on Max's house door, jumping a little in excitement.

"yes who is i--" "you're coming with me" I didn't wait for her to finish and teleported us on top of the building we had our first talk about me being Death.

she latched on me in a tight hug and I did the same.

"oh my gods I can't believe it"

"I know" I giggled and was surprised when I felt her kiss me but was super happy it happened.

"I was so worried, don't try to die again Death!" she said when backing away.

we talked for a while before I gathered my courage to tell her what I came here for.

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