-The revelation-

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Death's pov:

the festival of gods.

it is quickly approaching and this year it will be special, I was requested to make an appearance before the humans,.

the festival is a special even where the gods show themselves to humans in all their glory to show their strength, it takes place every year around the glob but the gods only come forth every 50 years and this one is special as I'll be present.

Death and Life never come to such events and no human know how they look like.... well now some knew but only as Eath.

"why did the gods request this now? most likely to flaunt me around as a trophy of sorts but I am fine with that as long as they don't ask stupid things from me or I will need to publicly kill them which would terrify humans" I said, sitting on a fallen log, sitting right in front of Life who was unaware of it all.... well I do hope them can feel me here like I do as we are a pair.

they were blond with long midback length hair tied up and eyes as blue as mine, dressed in all white, shoes, pants and shirt all white, they were also as pale as me.

"you know I miss you sometimes, I will you could hear me, see me or feel my touch, we are a pair, the cycle of life and death now only looked after by me" I spoke even those they wouldn't hear as they sat on their knees and stared ahead at me but so nothing. "I wish I would have stopped you when I had the time, I regret never trying"

I missed them, I miss Life, I was not meant to be alone.

"I wish you could see Max, Red, reapers or even Hades, I wish you were back but that won't happen, you are lost and I am alone, so close and yet so far from you"

I watched them stand and did too, they were sentences to wonder the earth so they will wonder.

I reached and cupped their face without touching them as my face would pass through them, I placed a ghost kiss on their nose before they walked through me and left.

"I will always wait for you back, we might be over but thank you for teaching me love my friend" I said as they walked away.

I sighed and blinked away, back into the bathroom stall I had entered and left the toilets.

"Eath, so you are coming or not at the festival? we could all eat and drink together and play games" Red said, having waited on me with Max as they thought I went to piss.

"no sorry, I need to head home to my father this evening"

"oh bummer" Max said.

"yeah a big bummer but both of you be careful, I'll see you on Monday"

I had indeed gone to meet with my somewhat father who was Hades, both of us in the room that was designated mine inside of the hell castle.

"do you like it?" I twirled on myself as he asked me, staring over every little stitch of what I was wear.

"do you like it?" I twirled on myself as he asked me, staring over every little stitch of what I was wear

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