-Not an easy job-

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Death's pov:

no.... stop.... STOP!!

I woke up in cold sweat, heart beat a deadly rate but I wouldn't die to it.

I stared ahead for a while before sighing and standing up, I rented a small apartment in town so I had a place to stay while I was down here, money was not a problem but this place was big enough for me.

I wore a black T-shirt and equally black shorts to sleep in, my steps silent as I dragged myself from my room, steps always silent as death is silent and sneaky.

I slammed the switch to turn the bathroom lights on and and flipped the tap open, splashing cold water in my face and sighed, hands resting on the edge of the sink.

I looked up from the sink bowl and looked in the mirror, water droplets rolling down my face.

I rubbed a hand down my cheeks, these dark bags under my eyes clash so much with my deathly pale skin, I could never get rid of them, lucky me sometimes I got more then four hours of sleep a night.

being death isn't an easy job like I make it seem.

unlike me my reapers don't deal with what I deal with because they technically don't have a real soul, no life in them, touching them is like a kill switch for a machine so I can reboot them whenever I want to... 

I needed helpers that would be perpetual and remained unchanged through the years with no needs so never needing to replace them, they were all machine with what could be seen as a soul in them while only the winged reapers were not true machines.... I was very much alive compared to them.

I closed my eyes with a sigh while leaning my head on the mirror.

being death has always been a tiring and haunting job. hearing, seeing and feeling people's life leaving them... hearing their last words, seeing their last moments, feeling their fears and pain along with more.... and if it was just that I could deal with it but no... then came the souls that didn't want to leave and wouldn't pass on, haunting the world like ghosts. a soul like that was hard to track for the reapers... all of their voices would keep me awake at night and awaken me in the night like it did now.

people always curse death for taking their loved one, people wishing death didn't exist, it is hard to bare all these words sometimes as humanity as one hated me for taking people from them.... I'm sorry... so sorry okay? I cannot change fate, life goes hand in hand with death, always together.

I humourlessly chuckled before frowning deeply and looking down, always together huh?... well why am I walked alone without you Life? I need to do your fucking job, I need to look after the living, I need to work with your creatures to have them visit all new born babies to call the gods to them to have it blessed... YOU LEFT ME ALONE!!

I pushed myself from the mirror and glared at myself, punching it hard, the mirror shattering and falling into pieces into the sink but I didn't move my hand.

if death is gone the gods can easily make another but why can't they make a life?! I have Life's soul in my hand but I cannot snuff it out, I cannot! I'd be gone too! you can stop that from happening!

I huffed with another sigh, drying off my face with my towel and cleaning the blood of my hand, bandaging it up before I pulled my gloves on as I left for the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice before kicking it close.

I stretched a bit after setting the orange juice on the counter and pulling myself on it so sit crisscross on it, pulling the three lists up as I opened the carton and took a sip.

I face palmed as what I saw on the 'to die' list of mine.

Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death
Max Silver will trip and fall to her death

and so on and so on... I am starting to think she is testing me at times like these becuase there are weeks she risks death daily!!!

when she was a child she drank bleach to prove she couldn't die for fucks sakes! I spent days on constantly changing my 'to die' list, keeping my reapers away, arguing with gods that were telling me it was finally the time to kill her of and neglected the 'purgatory' list leading to a tone of work to catch up on but she came out of that whole ordeal without a scratch... I swear to Hades the lengths I am ready to go for that girl is truly breath-taking.

I drank my juice as I finished with Max's untimely death on the 'to die' list and decided to do some work in advance on the 'purgatory' list so I would have less later in the day.

young boy sacrificed himself by tackling a suicide bomber about the enter his school

where is humanity going nowadays? children dying for nothing, heaven for you buddy.

I shook my head, so much hate and ill intent fills the human heart, how could they dare to say they did that for this god or that goddess?! none of the gods want humanity to kill one another!

like always school is boring as I know everything and nothing happened, not even in the lesson of Mr. Col, just so boring.

I was now always wearing my new necklace and it was the first time in my existence that I heard sounds coming from my steps, I didn't understand it right away but it was a bit of distraction from boredom.

I sighed when I spotted Max with her friend on the rooftop of the school she was balancing on the protective railing, oh now I understand how you got your name on my list so many times for today.

Max's pov:

"please get of I am getting anxious what if you fell?"

"calm down Red, I told you death doesn't fancy me, I am basically immune to it, remember the bleach accident? because I do, Hades might love Eath but he loves me too because he doesn't let death take me"

"once your luck will run out Max if you keep playing with death"

"then I will die but that's not for now, I told you death doesn't want me to die" I chuckled, feeling eyes on me, I looked around before locking gazes with Eath who was staring up at my from the courtyard of the school.

I couldn't look away from her eyes, unaware how true my words were.

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