-Surprise surprise-

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Max's pov:

so it seems I was right, Eath is blessed by Hades and didn't just use some Poseidon's magic to make it seem like the boy died.

I know since she is sitting with me in our classroom just for us three Hades blessed people, the teacher, Mr. Col, not yet here.

I am happy to finally not be the only on but those eyes of hers just confuse me, how are they blue?! they should be grey like mind... is it between my grey eyes are just dull blues and will gain that colour with more power? is it because Hades likes her so much? what reason do they have to be blue?!

when the teacher arrived he was shocked by the new presence.

"okay..." he whispered, gathering himself. "today we will work on summoning the dead yet again, it is part of our powers to be able to do so you need to master that"

Death's pov:

I zoned out, looking out the window while sitting on a desk crisscross, he is teaching about things that makes me who I am, I was an expert on all of this.

I knew all the tiers of creatures that can be summoned by heart.

1-skeletons: simple and normal skeletons that can move because of magic.
2-souls of the damned: those sentenced to suffer in hell.
3-a sort of zombie or skeleton knights: exactly what the names say.
4-a demon: only one demon per person or any of hell beasts.

then there are to tiers I am almost the only one reaching.

5-Cerberus: Hades' three headed dog.
6-grim reapers: name says it all.
7-any type of soul; that's purely my ability as all souls are from a being the dead.
8-literal death: from my fingers thus why I wear gloves.

there are times mortals summoned Cerberus with a lot of training but it is rare that someone has been given enough power to do so.

even rarer are those that summon grim reapers. anyone that succeeded only did for a few seconds but even so it is extremely dangerous, it depletes your powers extremely fast and if you don't have a steely determination the summoned reaper will think the summoner in the next person they got to take the soul of.

I can summon all with ease because as long at there will be life, death will follow behind.

I sighed to myself, I miss my pair sometimes.

since I am Death and a person Life was also given form made to work together... well that was long ago.

after what happened with Life I was left the only one in charge of the cycle of life and death, looking after the living and reaping their souls after their death.

it was all good at the start, Life and Death working together but as time went on and Life delved into their abilities they grew hungry for power, creating things just to bring in life and working against me, disrupting the cycle of life and death, creating monstrous beings and creatures simply to create life.

when the god realised this they condemned them to walk the earth without any of their sense, being deaf, mute, blind for all of eternity, invisible and untouchable for any beings or anything, locked into their over mind with no escape as they were lost and scared, hungry and thirsty, tired and alone.

even after all they did I sometimes took time to find them and despite them not being able to know I was there, walk along with them for a bit, I hoped that despite it all they'd still feel what connection ties us together.

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