-Death nears-

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Death's pov:

in my opinion nothing worthy of being said happened after I met up with Max.

four days had flown by already since then which is six in total and we had 16 attributes or as we know half of the opponents, I was amused by my frying pan take down of that boy so I entertained myself by beating people down with pans and didn't stop.

most creatures that came at us were quickly dealt with by my deadly touch so not a problem to face, the only problem was that I was hungry but we were heading to the middle anyway since tomorrow is the seventh day so the end.

I am not worried about the attributes, either multiple teams had the 16 remaining split between them or one team had them all which would mean we would meet up and fight it out in the middle.

I slowed my walk to a stop and looked around.

"you heard that?" I asked.

"heard what?"

I stayed silent, waiting before several huge monsters rushed us from every direction.

"shit! run!" I yelled, these are not alive I feel no soul in them, only way for them to function is for someone to control them.

I yanked Max between two and just sprinted, running as fast I could but they seemed to be multiplying.

I made a choice, I quickly transferred the attributes I held to her pockets from mine and stopped, whipping back to face the monsters with a glare.

"Max, just go! run on!" I yelled while lifting my arms and a scythe appearing in my hold, spinning it in my hands, I favour a sword over anything else and let the reapers handle the scythes but I knew how to use one and it is time to harvest.

"Max, just go! run on!" I yelled while lifting my arms and a scythe appearing in my hold, spinning it in my hands, I favour a sword over anything else and let the reapers handle the scythes but I knew how to use one and it is time to harvest

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"what are you doing?!" she yelled.

"run towards the middle, I'll catch up" I said calmly, staring down the monsters.... things not even Life created or they'd have a soul... disgusting abominations made of ice.

"but---" "no buts! go! I promise I will catch up!" I twirled the scythe, slamming the back of it through the skull of the ice monster, it instantly turned to water and splattered on the ground, so they can die as if they had souls, this will make it much easier on me.

Max's pov:

I continued to run even if my heart was against the idea, I must trust her.

I hoped she would catch up to me before I arrived to the middle but it wasn't the case.

I was surprised as the water pond in the middle was frozen over when it shouldn't be.

(in case you need a reminder)

(in case you need a reminder)

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