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Death's pov:

what woke me up wasn't the voices of hate this time, no..... it was a huge headache.

"damn my 'responsible drinking'" I said while I sat up and looked around my room.... wait.... waaaaiiit this isn't my room.

I yawned and stretched before pulling my hair over my eyes and shifting so I could put my feet on the ground, jeez my head.

"oh! you're up!" I looked up from the floor, Max was there with a bottle of water in hands.

"huh? the fuck?"

"you got drunk as fuck last night, you could barely walk and I don't know where you live so this was the best option we had, bringing you to my own house.... death" I hid my shock and smiled as if I was confused, she can't have figured it yesterday can she?!

"what did you call me?"

"you called yourself death when you met my mother, it is quite amusing" I chuckle awkwardly, I got so lucky she didn't think more about my slip up then drunken words. "oh and I got you this, I bet the hungover is hitting hard" she held out the bottle and an aspirin, you are a god sent Max.

"thanks, do you have a hair brush I can borrow for a few seconds, I think I have a bird's nest instead of hair on my hair.... and I need to go to the WC's" I said after taking the aspirin and finished the whole bottle.

"yeah of course, the bathroom is just behind that door, you'll also find a brush in there"

"it is useful to have a bathroom built into your room"

"it sure is"

I went in and closed the door behind me, getting my hair fixed up as I went through my lists lightning quick to catch up on what I missed and then put my necklace back on and left the room.

"thanks for the help yesterday"

"you are welcome, my mother wasn't happy but that doesn't matter" oh yeah that woman.

I really didn't like her mother, from all the time I've spent watching Max I learned a thing or two about this family's ins and outs.

her brother was interesting, even more then Max herself is I am truthful, sorry Max but unlike you he was supposed to die and I couldn't have save his life like I can with you.... and yet he lives. I am unable to find him in my lists since another god interfered with his death, Poseidon really likes him and favours him so he must have passed a deal with Hades to go behind my back and not let him die. I was the one to take his soul as I felt close to this family and wanted to do it myself but I couldn't pull the soul from his body... lets just say hell met a huge disturbance for a while since I was mad to not be told of this.

he was now alive but paralysed, he was strong still.... despite what he was told he is trying to relearn how to use his limbs and right now he is able to move his a finger on his left hand in a few ways, nothing near his level before the accident but enough to use his water powers for small tasks... I envy his strength at times, always having a drive even in that position while I was just here to be here, just to be death.

he was good just like his father but the mother? she'll have a nice deep place in hell I promise that, her behaviour is not one of a mother, it brings shame to the mother title, she saw Max and her brother, Jack, as objects, trophies that needed to be perfect happy while they get compliments but getting mad when they get 'worst' then what she likes them to be.... I don't get it why her father is waiting with the divorce.

"oh really?" I asked as if I had no idea what she was talking about despite it being years since I am holding myself back to not tell one of my reapers to cut her into two and send her to hell before her time is actually up.

"yep, all she cares for is perfection but lets not talk about that right now, it would make the mood sour"

"alright alright"

"I do have a question Eath"

"what is it"

"what's that tattoo on your face" if it was biologically for me to go paler I would have become a ghost.

"a-a.... it's a tattoo as you said yeah, I got it a long time ago since I found it cool and well Hades kinda chose me so it's appropriate no? the mark of death when you work with the god of the dead tho I regret having it on my face"

Max's pov:

I stared at her as she explained, she looked uncomfortable mentioning it... what are you hiding from us Eath? I am now sure something is up with you.... a lot of power, the grim reapers the blue eyes, that tattoo, that aura that's a cold as death itself.... if only I had done the connections between the puzzle piece.

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