-Training matchup-

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Death's pov:

every other kid looked really serious while I probably have a 'where's the fire?' face and ready to fall asleep.

I was tired because of what kept me awake, I hadn't slept so I'd sleep in class, having 45 minute naps since I am death, eternal, I had centuries to learn everything and gods created so I knew what they did so it was a lot.

we were lead to our starting sector by a teacher and stood on a sort of in ground elevator, being below the arena right now.

I turned to the watch built into the wrist protection of the armour, we had six hours to get the attributes and get to the middle... shouldn't be too hard.

the ground shook as the elevator pushed us upward as the ground split above us and when the elevator stopped moving I saw we were in a forested area, the ground muddy and sticking to my boots right as I stepped in it.

I touched my necklace, I knew I was still powerful enough to do amazing feats but what worried me a lot was I couldn't access my lists and see is Max risked death, even if by accident... I will need to trust my instincts.

"lets get going" she said, almost stepping of into the muddy ground, sinking half an inch in like I had but she didn't seem surprised, well all these school teach their children to see this as normal as she must have been in here a lot.

"sure" I said with a smirk, ready for it all.

"no Eath, lets get going as in each of us in her own way, I work better alone, splitting us is the best choice and meeting up in the middle is the goal" I didn't like her idea but before I could speak she ran off, using her own shadow to create solid ground under her feet.

I watched her go and sighed, slapping my forehead for agreeing to her plan as I didn't chase after her... I'll get a few attributes and go find her so she can have her fun alone.

Max's pov:

I know games are meant to be conquered in teams but I work alone best as I never had a partner so she'd just slow me down no matter how strong she is.

I stopped running and crouched down as I heard voices, sneaking up to a bush and pulling the branches away, with was a duo with red armour, kids blessed with fire.

I used shadows to lunch me up in the air, coming down with a kick right on top of ones head and flinging the other at a tree with his own shadow before I even touched the ground.

I searched their bodies and found the three matches each had before laying them on their side and sparking a bit of just pure power into the small area that was a 'send help', if affected by pure power it would send a destress signal the teachers would pic up and come get them soon enough.

after I did that I continued running and did for a while.

suddenly the ground underneath my feet was was no more before it launched up, smashing into my chest, forcing my in an involuntary flip and crash land on my back.

I coughed heavily from the direct hit but flipped myself on my feet and stood up, back now covered in mud.

two dressed in blue stood to my left and two in green to my right, earth and water... I am a bit fucked aren't I?

if they are teaming up to take me out that's really not good and since they aren't attacking each other I assume that's the case, this is not good.

I bent my knees as I shifted my legs apart, ready to jump in any way, one arm held up in front of me with my palm facing the ground, the other hand in a fist and bent down next to my hip, ready if they were.

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