-Hang out-

225 13 0

Death's pov:

after we showed up in the middle and the teaches got a look at all the attributes we got they freed us, I slipped away with the excuse of needing the piss.

I hurried to the toilets, anxiety flaring in my stomach as I slammed the door open and ran past three girls in there, locking myself in a stall and taking of the necklace, instantly feeling more myself and pulling up my lists, I froze with a gasp muffled by my hands.

Max Silver i-i is/dj-ghre was to die at the hands of a god blessed

I stared at the traced over 'is' and the messed up scribbled after it, I still grabbed my feather pen and traced it out to be sure nothing would happen because of it.

it chills me to my bones to know that if I was any more late today she would have died, I should have never fucking let her go off alone in the first place knowing I couldn't check the lists.

next time I will look through the lists and cross out anything I see a few days in advance if I have the time.

I sighed once again and put on the necklace, the lists vanishing as I left the stall, heading out towards the bus back to school.

I chuckled at I saw the kids huddle around my winged reaper that was still summoned and still holding Max, it is not every day that the get to see one so close.

I shook my head and pushed through the crowd.

"please put her down, you are free to head back to your work" I told the reaper and her bowed his head, setting Max down on her feet before bowing again and exploding into a cloud of vanishing black dust.

remember when I said reapers are machines but not the winged ones? there is a reason for that.

if a soul is half good and half back they are special, they are like mine since I am not good nor evil I am just death, then they will always end up in purgatory but even I cannot sort them to heaven or hell only to their new life but I couldn't be able to decide what life to give them.

those souls more often then not because reapers, the winged kind, yes the winged ones were once humans, that is the reason I call them them, him or her and human are unable to summon this kind without a lot of power.

to create the wolf beasts I used Life's ability and also to create the winged grim reapers, even Hades was mad at me for what I created there as I was playing with human life, I had done exactly what caused Life to be punished.... creating something unneeded just to be able to create but I am more important then Life was, if there is life there doesn't need to be death but if there is death there must be life.... I know, complicated.

I escaped my punishment because the world needed me and I need to be functional unlike how Life isn't and yet there is still new births.

we filed into the bus now that the students listened to the teachers and sat at our assigned seating again.

I may be death but this is all tiring and even if my powers are very large over my creations and life it still tires me out, all of it was tiring, the souls that don't pass on, people hating on death and all that.... it is so tiring.... maybe I'll have just a small nap here on the bus, on one will notice.

Max's pov:

oh my gods!! just how strong is she?!! the reaper stayed around for a looooong time and she didn't even seem to sweat it nor struggle in any way... she must be Hades' gem human to be able to do this because shit, I might had died if not for the reaper and her getting her in time to save me.

I looked at Eath and saw her asleep, head resting on the glass... it seems that after all even the all powerful Eath can tire out from time to time.

I nudged Eath to wake her when we got back to the school we were free to leave after an event like this as school hours would be over.

I heard many muttered about what happened and what was seen, previously similar mutters spread about me as I was the newest one to be blessed by Hades in this town which added to popularity because of the god but Eath her overshot me by a mile on her first day here... it is not like I actually enjoy being popular but I did forget others can blow up with fame like I did... oh that sound narcissistic as fuck.

as I left I was joined by Red.

"what the fuck is Eath made up of?! pure deat?! I never saw a reaper and much less one hanging out for as long as hers did!"

"chill girl, you think I know anything?"

"I wanna hang our with her! right now!"


she grabbed my wrist and just ran, catching up with Eath in two minutes and almost running her over if she didn't jump aside in time.

"euh.... hi there girls?" she seemed confused.

"wanna hang with us?" Red asked before I could say anything before sending Eath a 'this is normal' look, I think she understood what I was trying to communicate.

"I am not sure.... are you?"

"why would we lying?"

"fine then, let me just head home to put all my stuff down, we'll meet back up in front of the school okay?"

"alright got it!"

I watched as she walked away, thinking how perfect her timing was and how easy it was for her to take out four student by herself without using any of her powers, I bet death would be scared of her with how strong she is.... what I didn't know was that death was the one who saved me in the first place.

Death's pov:

I dropped my bag down on my apartment's floor, deciding I should change in another outfit even if I know it will remained black, it is death's colour after all.

I kept my combat boots but cleaned the mud from them, they are too comfy to leave behind and the only pair of footwear that I had.

I chose a really dark blue, almost black, pairs of shorts, a black croptop, don't forgot that I'm not your average depiction of death, that would be an old and lanky man, I still don't understand where they got that from as even reapers don't look like that, they are skeletons and the winged one look like dried up corpses.... anyway, I put on a really thin, like the wind would blow through it thin, short sleeved black hoodie, the sleeves a dark grey.

I brushed out my hair and I was ready to leave, I checked my lists and traced out a certain name in advance so I didn't worry for today and tomorrow, thinned out the purgatory list and changing a few of the grim reapers choices if I found them wrong or simply inadequate for the person given too.

I put on y much smaller bag then before with the few things I'd need and teleported to the front of the school, leaning against the wall while putting on the necklace with a sigh.

I looked around, no one, good, I wouldn't need Hades to tamper with the mind of the unfortunate mortal that would have seen me appear out of thin air.

I sighed..... this is going to be interesting.

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