-The lists of death-

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Death's pov:

"yo Hades?" I asked, I was floating upside down in his thorn room while Persephone rolled her eyes at my antics, she was given a throne next to Hades' and had been reading a book until now.

there was once long ago a misunderstanding and she got stuck down here, something about eating a fruit from hell of whatever, it was awkward until they started loving each other and fell in love.... a bit Stockholm syndrome to me but whatever, you do you Persephone.

 a bit Stockholm syndrome to me but whatever, you do you Persephone

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"what is it Death?" he asked, looking up at me.

"this human thing they do, the tournaments, I could easily secure myself a spot but I'd just easily overthrow all in my way so I should stay out of it... but Max might get sorted in she is strong, so I must participate in that case"

"why are you so obsessed with that mortal?"

"Persephone...." I flipped myself so I floated the right way up and hovered in front of her, glaring with narrowed eyes. "why are you so obsessed with an immortal god? go on, do answer me.... no answers? of course not, your reason is the same as mine, love. I should just reap your soul, you are just also a mortal blessed by Zeus and Demeter, you lucky big guy likes you or you'd be dust on my shoes... I hold all of your immortalities in my hands"

I could kill even the gods if I wanted to, when they created me they made me able to reap the souls of all that is alive and has a soul.

gods might be immortal but they are alive and have souls so I can snuff their lives out if I deem it fit but unlike Life I didn't wish for more power to control the world, I never killed a god that did good to this world and only acted on the other gods' orders, the only one I decided to kill was Chronos, he had almost eaten all of the other gods and wanted to take control of earth and I couldn't let him do that.

"Death that's enough" I huffed softly, crossing my arms as I lowered a leg to push of the floor and sending me floating higher in the air with a slow back flip as I floated in the air, stopping the spin once I was the right way up again. "I get it, I know how you feel okay? just give me a few minutes so I can think of something, find something to do while you wait"

I sat crisscross as it I was actually sitting on a chair and not in mid, with a snap of my finger a rolled up parchment appeared in my hands with an ink jar floating not far away with a raven feather pen in it.

I opened the parchment and looked it over, it was the list of the dead.

grim reapers could innately tell if a soul was fit for hell, heaven or just to be sent on to their next life but sometimes there is like a bug in the system and they can't tell so they end up in purgatory, then it became my job to decide what became of these souls, lucky me there was like 80 to 90 outliers like these each day and not much more or I wouldn't be able to deal with it all.

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