-The discussion-

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Max's pov:

damn you Eath.....Death..... whoever you are!!

I've tried to get her alone to talk but she was amusing herself by avoiding me at all costs, vanishing after passing a corner, jumping out a window and disappearing and much much more.

"stop right now!" I yelled as she passed a corner and I passed it a second later but she was again, I sighed heavily.

"why are you sighing for?" my head snapped up and I was met with a bright blue eye and another with a white iris and the rest black, she was floating upside down causing her hair to hang away from her face.

"are you finally willing to talk with me?" I asked, trying to ignore the strangeness of this situation.

"sure I guess I am. she grabbed my wrist and pulled me upwards without any trouble, I grabbed her arm in fear and in the time I needed to blink we were somewhere else, she let me down on the roof of an apartment building and flipped the right way up, standing on the railing like it was nothing. "now we can talk, away from human ears" she said, glancing behind her at me.

"will you say it to my face you that death lady?"

"I don't know, am I her?"

"you are literally floating in the air, control grim reapers with ease, your eye is blue and not grey like it should be if blessed by Hades, you told me to look out for death when you never were at the festival to know she had come, you have an aura of death around you, you can kill people by touching them, if you weren't Death then I'd be insane"

"maybe you are insane"

"you told my mother you wanted to send her to hell in a barrel" she started laughing when I said that. "and that's why you needed to leave and couldn't come with us to the festival, because you needed to be present alongside the gods"

she stayed silent but smiled at me.

"you sure are a pain to keep alive" she said, spinning and stepping of the railing, standing... more like floating a few inches off the ground, making her be at the same height as me like this. "always such a daredevil, doing things that could kill you easily, my list is filled up with your name almost daily"

"why do it if it is so hard?" I asked, I enjoy living and want to continue to do it but I wanna know why Death would work so hard for me to live.

"it's for me to know and you to find out" that sentence again...

"could you at least tell me you are Death? say it to my face"

"there is not need, you already know who I am"

"yes there is a need.... I ned the confirmation, please"

she sighed and sat crisscross in the air.

"yes I am what looms over all living things, even the gods, I am what keeps the cycle alive, I am what people usually call a grim reaper knowing not that they are my helpers, I am the dark, the cold and the inevitable end of everything.... I am Death"

"is that why you have that mark on your eye and other weird stuff about you?"

"yep" she pulled her hair away willingly, showing me the mark and her black eye with the white iris.... the pupil is reddish now that I can look at it. "at the start of life I didn't need all these grim reapers around to help me and did this soul taking myself, guess this symbol remained engraved in human's minds as Hades', the mark of the god of the underground" I stared at the familiar lists she had floating around her like at the ceremony a few days ago.

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