I never meant to.

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Third person

There final night in Gravity Falls and everything was going well. Dipper was twisting and turning in his bed. The nightmares were coming back to him or shall we call them memories? Dipper was sweating like crazy, his head started pounding, his chest felt heavy and he couldn't breathe as much.


During the weirdmageddon Dipper was trying to find others to help him build the robots. Dipper had a weapon with him, his face was bruised and cut from Bill's monsters. Dipper had a knife and was ready to attack at anymore. Dipper was now emotionless and fearless at the time.

Dipper was in the middle of the woods. Something moved and without hesitation Dipper threw the knife. He walked over and it was a girl that was two years younger than him. She had brown hair, brown eyes and slightly tan skin. Dipper realized that she looked just like his twin. Dipper's eyes widen and he fell to his knees.

The girl felt her chest and blood was streaming down. Dipper didn't move at all, he didn't even bother to help her because he was terrified of himself. She finally fell back and that's when Dipper moved. He caught the girl and looked at her. Dipper removed the blade from her chest.

She looked at him and she closed her eyes. Dipper tried to help her, bit it was too late. Blood was all over him, he left her there and looked at himself. Covered in her blood, he killed her, he ended her life because he was afraid, he kill a innocent girl that had so much to live for.

It was all his fault....


Dipper woke up and felt tears down his face. Dipper looked at his older twin and then saw the little girl cover in blood. His eyes widen in complete fear, he kept on saying that it was all his fault. He removed his hand and looked at himself, he felt like he did the murder over again. Dipper looked at his sister for the final time and then went to Ford's lab. He grabbed the memory gun and raced outside. He ran to the very same place they erased Stan's memories. He went on his knees and looked up at the sky.

"I-it's all my fault, I shouldn't have made that stupid deal! I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I'm sorry I couldn't stop myself from killing you." Dipper screamed

He placed the memory gun to a random setting and pointed it to his head. He looked at the sky and smiled at the stars and full moon.

"The stars and the moon is absolutely beautiful tonight.Ha... I could forget everything I've done, haha....restart everything. I-I'm s-sorry everyone, I'm no hero, I'm no monster whisperer, I'm no one. I couldn't even fix that one monster that everyone hated."
"The woods, the millions of stars, the bright moon is my only home. I don't deserve to remember my summer, I don't deserve to even remember my own childhood. Bill's deal was if I sacrificed myself he'll bring the back girl and free everyone, but Mabel had to save me." Tears rolled down the boys face.
"The things that I've seen, the things that I've done, the things that I've chosen, what I've become. At least the last thing I'll see is the woods, the stars and the moon. "

Dipper closed his eyes and repeated something that he never thought he would ever say.

"Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold b-bye."


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