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Pov Cornchip

I stayed over at the mystery shack and it wasn't as bad. I mean sleeping next to Pinetree and having little conversation with my little tree. Laughing and smiling, seeing him laugh and smile. Pinetree wears his favorite navy blue hoodie. I see him put on his shoes and I look at him.

"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm going to the dinner because I'm lazy to make anything." Pinetree smiled.
"Bruno not coming till night so I'll go. " I said.
"That was the plan silly. " pinetree said.
"Cool. " I said.

I put on my shoes and we both walk out of the shack and go into town. I realized that the people really don't remember me. We both walk into the dinner and sit in a booth. Pinetree sits next to me and smiles.

"Do you ever eat? " Pinetree asked.
"No, since I'm demon I really don't need to eat but I still can." I said.
"Your eating something." Pinetree said.
"Fine your choosing for me since I haven't had human food in years." I said.
"Okay." he smiled.

We see people pass by and I guest there tourist because I don't remember them. I see a waitress come up to us with a smile.

"Hello my name is Jessica and I'll be your waiter, can I start you off with drinks?" She smiled.
"I'll have coffee." Pinetree smiled.
"Same please." I said.
"Okay, I'll be right back." she smiled.

She leave and winks at Pinetree, he just smiles and looks at me.

"What are we going after? " I asked.
"I don't know maybe walk around go to the mall etc." Pinetree said.
"That sounds good." I said.

Pinetree and I started to make random conversation. We were stopped talking as we see Northwest and the other two females. I though gleeful would he here as well, I mean since I always see him with Northwest.

"Dipper I thought you went on the trip with your great uncles. " Northwest said.
"Oh I didn't, they really didn't want me to come. I could really tell they really didn't want me to come. " Pinetree said.
"I see the Cornchip is here." Candy said.
"Would you care to join us?" Pinetree offered.
"Sure." Grenda said.

They sat across from us and they all looked at me.

"Are you planning something?" Northwest asked me.
"I'm not here to end the world again, I'm just here." I said.
"who have you been hanging out with?" Candy asked.
"Pinetree." I said.
"I feel like your up to something." Northwest said.
"I'm not trust me, I'm not strong enough to even take over this town. " I said.
"We trust you know, because you haven't done anything bad yet." Northwest said.
"Thanks." I said.


After we ate breakfast we all went our different ways. Pinetree and I decided to go back to the shack and just hang out. It was about one in the after because the waitress kept on getting out orders confused.

When we entered the shack I walk in first. Pinetree and I went to his room, he looked at me and smiled. Pinetree pulled me into a huge and looked at me.

"You look mad, is something bothering you? " He said.
"Do I really look upset." I said.
"A little." Pinetree said.
"Don't worry I'm not." I said.
"You sure." Pinetree asked.
"I'm sure." I said.

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