Drop it...

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Pov Dipper

It's been two weeks and everything has been going well. I've been seeing Bruno every single day and it's nice. He wears a flag around his neck because they don't make bandanas that big. The flag is blue and white because why not. I've seen more creature lately and they've been nice to me, but to the rest of my family not so nice.

It was still morning and it was nice outside. Mabel told me to stay for breakfast and I agreed. They were having a random conversation about something. I had no clue what they were talking about.

"So Dipper, do you enjoy Gravity falls so far? " Stan asked.
"I am, the people are very nice here and weird but I don't mind. " I said.
"Anything interesting happen these past two weeks? " Ford asked.
"The mini golf people came back for me yesterday." Mabel sighed.
"You almost stepped on him during mini golf. " I said.
"I didn't mean to. " Mabel said.
"It was yelling at you when you were about to step on it. " I said.
"I couldn't hear him. " Mabel said.
"I heard it and I was near Grenda, she's very loud." I said.
"I see your point. " Mabel said
"What about you Dipper?" Ford asked.
"Nothing much, just helping around. " I said.
"People or monster?" Stan asked.
"Both." I said.

They changed the subject and I looked at my phone. It was almost eleven and I had to leave.

"Thanks for the breakfast." I smiled.

I gave Mabel a quick side hug and left the shack. I realized that I didn't even touch my food, I guess I wasn't hungry. I ran into the woods and started to wait for Bruno, like I always do everyday.

I sat down and I started to write in my journal. A few minutes pasted and I see Bruno and there's something in his mouth.

"Hey Bruno! " I smiled.
"Ruff Ruff. "

Even tho Bruno is taller than me I'm not afraid of him, he's just a sweetheart. I started to pet Bruno and his tail started to wage. I smiled and he dropped what ever was in his mouth. It was a stuffed animal he found in the woods. I grabbed it and looked at him.

"You found a toy." I smiled.
"Bark Bark! " Bruno cheerfully said
"It's a stuff rabbit. " I said

I gave it back to Bruno and he was chewing on it. I'm surprised it didn't break yet. Bruno sat down behind me and placed his head under my arm. I smiled and I just started to play with Bruno. I know he's a memory dog, but he very friendly to me at least. I wonder if he's suppose to be aggressive with people or not? A few minutes later the whole ground starts to shake. Bruno eyes glowed and I was in this bubble with him. I scratched his head and smiled at him. I think he's a demon dog, that's really cool.

"Good job boy. " I said.

Now I have to add to Bruno's page of the things he can do this as well.

Pov Mabel

Dipper gave me a side hug and then rushed outside. I looked at his plate and he hasn't even touched his food. I sighed and Grunkle Ford and Stan give me this look.

"Why is he always in a rush? " Ford asked me.
"I don't really know, he leaves around this time everyday now." I said.
"He's probably found something Interesting to study. " Stan said.
"Maybe. " I said.
"Well, I've been trying to track down Bill but no luck. " Ford said.
"No clue huh? " I said.
"No." Ford said.

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