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Third person

The mystery shack was in full lock down for the rest of the day. Dipper was asking his sibling and great uncles but no one answered him. Dipper was in his room the whole day, just playing with his guitar to pass the time. Mabel, Ford and Stan were getting ready for Bill's arrival.

Dipper's nightmares were getting worst everyday ever since he arrived at Gravity Falls. Dipper felt like his nightmares were becoming more real. He saw the little girl, he keeps imagining that the little girl was his sister. Dipper technically didn't get any sleep some nights while other nights were just him sleeping in fear.

Bill always got more power from Dipper and his nightmares, but the dream demon felt the bit of guilt in him. Bruno and Bill were both feeding off his nightmares, both growing stronger each night. Hiding in the shadows consuming the every bit of fear in his mind.

It was about eight and Dipper got tried all of sudden. Dipper got ready for bed, once he laid down he immediately fell asleep. Something was in the woods eyeing the mystery shack from afar.

••• (Nightmare)•••

It was raining outside and Dipper was running threw the trees and bushes. The rain was getting more violent by each second. Lighting started to strike scaring Dipper even more. Dipper saw everything, demons, monster and people running around.

Dipper was in the middle of everything and he saw people being killed and injured. Dipper saw this flash of yellow before falling on his knees. Dipper looked around and saw no one he trusted.Tears started to stream down Dipper's face.

"It's all your fault"People were saying softly until it got louder and louder.

Dipper looked back up and saw the what happened that day. He saw a younger version of himself with the knife.

"Do it"
"Do it"
"Do it"
"D O I T"

Dipper's eyes widen as he saw what happened. The girl was dead, Dipper was holding her in fear, Dipper was a murderer in his eyes.

"No, no, no! I didn't mean to. " Dipper whimpered.

The lighting flashed and Dipper was just laughing. Laughing at him killing the girl, laughing at death, like he was slowly going insane. He then saw something all in yellow. He started to become calm and felt safe. Then for a few seconds it stopped. The nightmares slowly consuming him came back.

"Dipper! "
"It's all your fault. "
"Dipper! "
"You killed me"
"Dipper! "
"You monster"

•••(Nightmare over)•••
•••(During nightmare)•••

The dream was slowly killing Dipper in the inside. Bill came into his room and looked at Dipper.

"Stupid meatsack feelings." Bill scoffed.
"But I can't see you suffer."

Bill placed his hand on Dipper's forehead and made a dull smile. Bill didn't understand why he was helping Dipper. Bill's emotions started to take over him and he didn't like it. Dipper started to calm down once Bill touched him. A small smiled appeared on Dipper's face.

"Why does guilt always get me when it's about you." Bill said.
"Why did shooting star tell you about me? I'll see you soon, just you wait Pinetree, Just you wait." Bill mumbled.

Bill hated his human emotions, but at the same time he didn't hate them. Bill's eyes glowed and on Dipper's forearm the cipher wheel appeared. Bill looked at Dipper for the last time and smiled.

"Sweet dreams Pinetree."

Bill smiled and left Dipper's room. Dipper was happy just for a few moments until going back to his nightmare.

Mabel was walking around the house and noticed Dipper's door was wide open. Mabel saw her brother twisting and turning. Mabel saw tears running down her brothers eyes.

"Dipper!" Mabel yelled.

Dipper started to shake and started to mumble a few words.

"Dipper." Mabel said

Dipper jolted up and felt his face and looked at Mabel. Dipper hugged her sister tight.

"Your safe. " Dipper said.
"Dipper what happened." Mabel asked.

Dipper let go of mabel and felt his forehead. Mabel looked at Dipper and noticed his forearm. Mabel was slowly freaking out in the inside.

"Another nightmare. " Dipper mumbled.
"A n-nightmare?" Mabel asked.
"Yeah. " Dipper said.
"How long have they been lasting? " Mabel asked.
"Ever since I turned thirteen. " Dipper said.

Dipper looked at his arm and noticed the cipher wheel on it. He didn't freak out at all, it just made him happy. Mabel said goodnight to her brother and left his room.

Pov Mabel.

Dipper has the cipher wheel on his arm! How come I didn't noticed it earlier or before he went to bed. Why didn't he tell me about the nightmares, why doesn't he tell me about his nightmares.

I went downstairs to Grunkle Stan and looked at him. Grunkle Ford was focused on other things. I pulled Grunkle Stan aside and then I panicked.

"Pumpkin what's wrong?" He said.
"DipperWasTwistingAndTurningSo,IWentInsideHisRoomAndHewasCryingSoITriedToWakeHimUp.WhenIDidHeToldMeHeJustHadANightmare.IAskedForHowLongAndHeAnsweredSinceWeTurnedThirteen.ThenINoticedTheCipherWheelOn HisForearm."
"Sweetie speak slowly I had no idea what you just said." Stan said.
"Dipper was twisting and turning so, I went inside his to and he was crying so I tired to wake him up. When I finally did he told me that he was just a nightmare. I asked him for how long and he answer since he was thirteen. Then I noticed the cipher wheel was already on his forearm." I said.
"I know! " I shouted back.
"Did be already have? " Stan asked me.
"I don't know, maybe? " I said.
"We have to hurry and find that dream demon fast." Stan said.

I ran down stairs with Grunkle Stan and we went to Grunkle Ford. I saw him working on a few things and I stopped him.

"DipDip has the cipher wheel on his forearm!" I yelled.
"What! " Ford said.
"Mabel explained that Dipper has been having nightmares ever since he turned thirteen, meaning that something that's like Bill is out there. " Stan said.
"I never said the Bill part, but works for me. " I said.
"No, there's no other creatures like Bill. There are some that are similar but there no as powerful as him, he's the only demon in gravity falls." Ford said
"We need to find B-"

We heard a huge crash coming from upstairs. We all ran upstairs and it was coming from Dipper's room. I went in the room first and something with glowing white eyes was there. Once it saw me it was gone. Then my Grunkle Stan and Ford came in.

"There was something here." I said.
"Well, now it's gone. " Stan said.
"Mabel go on to bed it's midnight. " Ford said.
"No, it felt like I've been up for a few minutes." I said.
"Check your phone. " Stan said.

I looked at my phone and it was midnight. I sighed and said okay, I ran upstairs and got ready for bed.

"I'll get you Bill, just you wait."

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