A call from home

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Pov Bill

Those little pieces of shits finally left and we walked away as well. Pinetree looked sad for a bit, we went under a tree in the park and sat down. I looked at him and placed my hand on to of his.

"What's wrong?" I said.
"N-Nothing, nothing at all." Pinetree said.
"Come on, is it what happened a few minutes ago?" I asked.
"I mean, people told me that I was loved here that they respected my chooses. I feel like that if I didn't come back, if I didn't lose my memories, would this be the same? I mean, I wouldn't see you the same way as I do now. I just want people to understand that people change, but they also want me to change because I gave someone a second chance." Pinetree said.
"Pinetree you don't have to worry about what other people say. I want you to remember that people here aren't over you yet. The great things you've done to this town, the wonderful wonderful things you've done, people still remember. I want you to look around, you helped this town so many times and the monster love you. " I said.
"but.....why don't I feel alright?" Pinetree said.

I felt his hand holding mines, I look at him and smile. I feel like I'm not good enough sometimes. My eyes slightly widen and I look him.

"Pinetree your the best person I know your amazing, your sweet, your kind, caring and helpful to everyone. You shouldn't think anything less of yourself." I said.
"Your the best thing that ever happened to everyone Pinetree. You're always looking out for others, your always someone that people can count on. You forgive others for doing stupid things, you forgave me. Your the sweetest person I know and even tho you think that your nothing, your always something to me."

Pinetree hugged me tight and it was all of a sudden. I hugged him back and his head was on my chest.

"Your such a silly demon." His voice was teary.
"Pinetree?" I looked at him and he was tearing up.

He almost refused to look at me but he did it. Why was he crying?

"Pinetree don't cry. " I made a soft smile.
"I don't know why I'm crying really, you're the closes friend I have here." Pinetree said.

I place my forehead on top of his and placed my hand on his cheek. I wiped his tears away and he looked at me.

"Oh Pinetree your emotions are everywhere today."
"I'm sorry it's just that..."
"It's okay Pinetree, people may not understand your choices and that's alright." I said.
"B-Bill your a wonderful person." Pinetree almost completely stuttered.

I smiled at Pinetree and he slowly smiled back at me.

"There's that smiled." I said.
"Haha." he chuckled.

Pinetree placed his head back on my chest. I placed my arm around his shoulder. We were both quite for a bit, I didn't mind the silence. After a few minutes we decided that we would leave the town. We walked to the forest and sat on our regular spot.

Pinetree was sitting next to me with his head on my shoulder. I placed my arm around his shoulder and smiled.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked.
"I don't know, maybe just our regular thing." Pinetree smiled.

I was about to say something until Pinetree got a phone call from someone.

Pov DipDip

I got a phone call and I picked up.

"Hello? " I said.
"Mason." It was my mom.
"Mom? " I said.

I hear her laugh and Bill looks at me because he heard my real name.

"How's Gravity falls? Are you okay? Did you get hurt on the way there? " My mom said.
"It's amazing here mom, I've caught up with an old friend." I smiled.
"Mason, I'm on face time and all I can see is your hair." My mom said.
"It is? Sorry mom. " I said.

I looked at the screen and saw my mom waving at me. Bill was somewhat in the frame doing is own thing.

"How's this? " My mom asked.
"Oh, this is Bill he's a good friend of mines." I smiled.
"Hello Mrs. Pines." Bill smiled looking at the screen.
"You seem like a nice young men. " My mom said.
"You've raise a wonderful boy." Bill said.
"Mason is an amazing young men." My mom said.
"He's lucky to have." Bill said.
"Mason has always been so shy and sweet, it's great that he's reconnected with someone." My mom said.
"He's been remembering many things as well. I've been spending time with Pinetree." Bill said.
"What a nice young man you've made friends with Mason. He's sure a keeper." My mom said.
"Mom." I blushed.
"Don't be embarrassed." Bill said.
"Easy for you to say." I blushed a brighter pink.
"Don't worry Pinetree." Bill smiled.
"okay. " I mumbled.
"Sweetie is your sister with you?" My mom said.
"No, she's with her friends." I said.
"okay, well I'll call you another time." My mom said.
"Later mom. " I smiled
"Good bye you too." before I hanged up my mom mouth something.

She gave me this look while mouthing the words. I knew what she said and I blushed even more. I hanged up and hide my face from Bill. Why did she mouth that.... She mouthed that Bill was keeper and I know what she meant. I placed my phone in my pocket and Bill looked at me.

Bill removed my arms from my face and I looked at me. I was embarrassed from my mother's comment. Bill looked at me and smiled.

"Your face is bright pink." Bill said.
"I-I know. " I said.
"Oh Pinetree. "

I looked at Bill and buried my head in his chest. Bill smiled and placed his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at Bill and my cheeks were still bright pink.

"Pinetree your adorable." Bill mumbled.
"I hate you. " I pouted.
"You don't mean it." Bill smiled.
"I hate you. " I repeated.
"Pinetree." Bill said.
"I don't mean it. " I said.


It's been a few minutes and my cheeks are still slightly pink. I got a text from Mabel that I needed to come home. Bill looked at my and smiled at me.

"I'll see you later. " Bill smiled.
"See you later. " I said

I hugged Bill before getting up and leaving. Bill waved goodbye and I left. I ran back to the shack and I see Mabel and Stan.

"Dipper Ford and I are leaving for two days and Mabel's coming too, do you want to come? " Stan asked.
"No thank you." I said.
"Okay, well we're leaving tonight and I trust you."
"Where are you going anyway? " I asked.
"Ford and I have some business to take care of and Mabel wants to come with us."
"Okay." I said.

I went to my room and started to plan something. I know I'm probably going to get caught, but let's take the risk.

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