I'll help you

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Pov Dipper

My alarm rang a bit late but I don't really mind. I woke up and got ready for the day and I'm still thinking about Foster. The thing he said to them was very rude. He told them 'If you mortals ever destroyed or steal from us again I'll fucking kill all of your friends and family! I'm fucking serious you sacks of flesh and bones.'

Foster doesn't have a clean set of vocabulary. I censored a few words when I was translating to Mabel and my great uncle. I grabbed my backpack and put my journals, pens and pencils, and my phone. Mabel told me to always bring a first aid kit with me at all time. Plus she secretly puts them in my bag anyway. I wrote a note and went to Mabel's room and placed it on her desk. I then went outside and started to walk around.

I'm still a little tired because I always have nightmares at night. It's been happening ever since I turned thirteen. I found a great spot in the woods, I could see the sky, the mountains and the rest of the woods.

I sat down and took out my journal and started to write and draw. I wrote down more information about fairies. Especially with there language when they get upset at someone. They don't like humans, but Foster likes me.


It's been about three or two hour, but I'm sure it's been two hours. It was twelve in the after noon. I placed my journal down and looked around. I saw something in the bushes and I freeze. I thought it was a bear for a quick second. It was a very large rottweiler.

The dog came closer to me and started to whimper softly in pain. The dog laid on it's stomach and looked at me. I wasn't afraid of the large animal for some reason.

"Hey little guy." I calmly said.
"Grrrr... "

I came closer to the creature and placed my hand out. I was never good with any animal really, they would always bite me or start attacking me. The dog didn't hurt me at all and I was glad he didn't.

"What's wrong? " I said.

The dog looked at me and I sat in front of it placing my hand on his head. I looked carefully and it had a third eye, that's why he hasn't started to attack me yet. Phew. The dog barked harshly and looked at his front paw.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, I'm gonna look at it okay. " I said.

I looked at the creatures paw and it was bleeding. My mind went blank and I remember what I did when I was twelve. I looked at dog and made a dull smile at him. His third eye opened and a symbol of a Pinetree appeared. I looked at my hoodie and it was the same thing.

"I'll fix you up." I said.

I reached into my bag and he started bark at the bag. I opened it and found the place were Mabel always puts it in. I took it out and showed it to him.

"Bark Bark! " He violently barked.
"You don't trust it, uh? " I said.
"Bark! " He answered.

I opened it and he started to bark repeatedly. He still didn't trust it and I had to show him to. I found something sharp, well, a piece of broken glass on the ground and cut my right palm. He looked at me and started to cry.

"It's okay." I said.

I showed him that everything in the kit was safe. I was bleeding a lot and that was pretty bad. I clean and wrapped my cut and showed it to him.

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