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Pov Bill

It's been a solid three weeks and it hasn't been that bad. Pinetree told me what happened between him and shooting star. I still can't believe Shooting star would lie to her own brother. I've been helping Pinetree with his memories because I've been inside his body before. I've been getting along with Pinetree and been learning about him.

I still can't tell him how he lost his memories. I feel like it would hurt him if he knew. The dog that Pinetree loves so much is named Bruno. He seems to listen to him more than me and I'm demon. I call that unfairness because I was the one who forgot him here.... Okay that's not something to be proud of, but still.

"Hey dog. " I said.
"Ruff... "
"I was trying to be nice. " I said.
"Bark. "
"Hey! " I said.
"Grrr... "
"Okay, Bruno should I even tell Pinetree about how he really lost his memories?" I said.
"I know it would hurt him, but I feel like he should know. I mean if I tell him the truth about this, would he even believe me? He's gonna tell Sixer and Fez about this and there gonna be confused and then Pinetree is probably going to bring into this. Then there gonna try to kill me while I'm already amazing friends with Pinetree. Then something bad is going to happen, it's rather I sacrifice myself or Pinetree ends up getting hurt. My stupid meatsack feeling are confusing! " I said
"bark? "
"I don't know, I'm guess. " I sighed.
"Ruff? "
"No Bruno, I don't want to hurt him. I couldn't live with myself if I did hurt him because of these meatsack feelings. There stupid and I think meatsacks don't need them. " I groaned.
"Bark bark bark bark?  Bark bark, Grrrr ruff ruff. "
"Sure, just because I didn't have these meatsack feelings back then doesn't mean I'm getting them back now." I said.
"Ruff ruff ruff, Grrr bark bark bark bark. "
"I'm being serious right now, I'm not letting these meatsack feeling get the best of me.  Bruno you let your emotions out because of Pinetree so I'm not the only demon. " I said.
"Don't give that bullshit." I said.
"Grrrr ruff ruff ruff! "
"I know I can't control these feelings." I said.
"Bark~" He gave me a cocky look.
"Don't." I said.
"Ruff! " He cheerfully said.

Why am I having a full on conversation with a dog? Okay, I mean he can listen way better than I but still. Bruno is confusing even more about my meatsack feelings. I hear a loud scream in the distance . Bruno and I got up and followed the scream.

A few seconds later it was shooting star being attached by something. I looked closer and it was a soul eater and there annoying.

"Bark? "
"it's a soul eater, she fine as long as she doesn't annoy it. " I said.
"Ruff. "
"Get off me you little-"
"She really needs to control her mouth." I said.
"Bark. "
"I know I swear but-" I said.
"Bark. "
"Point taken I swear more than her. " I said.

The creature looked like a huge wolf and it seem pissed off already. What did she do to it.

"Pinetree not going to forgive me if I let her die. " I sighed.
"Bark? "
"I have too, Pinetree still loves his sister even tho she lied. I don't want Pinetree to be mad at me. " I said.

Bruno stayed where he was while I tackled the soul eater away. He scratched me across the face I was bleeding from my cheek. I used my magic as well and it went away once it saw my blue flame. I looked at Shooting star and said.

"I didn't do this for you. "

Then I ran away from that area and went back to our normal spot. I can't believe I did that, I mean I didn't do it for her.

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