To town

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Pov DipDip

The next day and Mabel comes running into my room. She's laughing to herself while sitting on my bed. I sit up and look at her. She's wearing her favorite sweater and shorts with her hair up.

"What's up? " I yawned.
"There's this little fair thing going on and I'm going with my friends." She smiled.
"Cool." I said.
"If your coming then I'll see you there." Mabel said.
"Cool. "I said.

Before Mabel left she gave me a serious look and then smiled again.

"I trust him."

Then she ran away, I got confused and got ready for the day. I left the shack a few minutes after Mabel. I ran into the woods and found Bill but no Bruno.

"Where Bruno? " I asked.
"He's doing his demon stuff in the mindscape." Bill said.
"Okay." I said.
"What do you want to do?" Bill asked.
"I have an idea." I smiled.
"I don't like the look at your face." Bill said.
"We're going to town." I smiled.
"No. " Bill said.
"Please? " I asked.
"No." Bill said.
"Please Bill, just for a bit. They have a little fair thing today and I want you to come with me." I said.
"Everyone in that town hates me." Bill said.
"I won't let them hurt you, I promise." I smiled.
"Still. " Bill said.
"Please." I smiled.
"Fine but only this once, if it goes well I'll probably go again. Probably. " Bill said.
"yeah! " I smiled.

We both went into town and I haven't seen this many people in the town before. Well, I haven't been in town in a while. Bill hesitated to walk in to town many times.

"It's not that bad." I said.
"I'm still not sure." Bill mumbled.
"Come it'll be fun." I said.
"Fine." Bill said.
"Just relax a bit, your fine it's not like someone you know is here but Mabel." I said.
"I'm still not sure." Bill said.
"Let's just walk around." I smiled.

We started to walk around town and they literally put no effort in some parts, but it's alright. Bill started to relax a bit and I was really happy. Bill froze for a quick second and then pulled me towards him.

"What's wrong? " I asked.
"Gleeful is here." Bill said.
"Gideon is here, so what? " I said.
"He worked for me and I sort of double crossed him before he could to me. I've done some pretty stupid things when you guys came here." Bill said.
"Don't worry were safe it's Gideon and Mabel's group friends are here. " I said looking around.
"Pinetree he hates me with a living passion." Bill said.
"There here together, this was a stupid plan." I said looking down.
"No it's not Pinetree, we can still stay we just have to be careful." Bill said.
"Really? " I said.
"We can." Bill said.
"Let's go then."

Bill and I just started to adventure around the town. We did a lot of things and when ever we are going somewhere Mabel and her friends seem to follow. We had so many close calls and I thought Candy almost found me too. I feel like this was just a mini festival instead of a fair. There were just mini booths with information or activities. Bill and I only played one game and he won. He won a little stuffed animal and it was a puppy, which he gave to me. Bill and I went to the park it would he the last place they would look, right?

Bill and I walked around the park talking to each other. We both stopped paying attention about our surroundings at this point. 

"Pinetree is this what all fairs are? They seem pretty boring. " Bill said.
"No there not all like this, I feel like this is more like a festival then a fair." I said.
"I enjoyed today. " Bill said.
"I knew you would. " I smiled.
"You were right." Bill said.
"I feel like you cheated when we played that game." I said.
"I did nothing of the sort." Bill acted like he was offended.
"There's no way your good at the balloon thing." I said.
"It's called luck." Bill said.
"Sure Bill." I said.
"Pinetree it's not my fault you suck at it." Bill said.

I looked at him and he smiled at me. I smiled back and he placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Is your shoulder okay?" Bill asked.
"It's doing better." I smiled
"I'm glad it is." Bill said.
"Just hurts when you put too much pressure on it." I said.
"I'm sorry should I-"
"No it's fine, it's not hurting." I smiled.
"Okay, what do you wanna do next?" Bill said.
"I don't know? We can just walk around because we've been through town already." I said.
"Pinetree?" Bill said.
"Yeah Bill? " I smiled.

I realized that we were the only ones in the park because from the corner of my eye no ones here. I feel like there is people but I just can't see them or don't notice them.

"Wait this has been bother ever since we've meant, how old are you?" I asked Bill.
"Since my original form was destroyed my age was brought back a few years, I'm eighteen in human years because of that." Bill said.
"Your a year older then me. " I said.
"I guess I am. " Bill smiled.

We both smiled and I started to hear footsteps. I didn't really bother with it because this is a public place so why not. Bill hugged me from behind and I made a soft chuckle. I smiled at him and looked at him.

"Bill. " I chuckled.
"Your adorable Pinetree." Bill smiled.
"Sure Dorito." I smiled.
"I'm getting a liking to the nickname when you say it." Bill said.

I smiled and hugged Bill's arms with the stuffed animal in my left hand.

"I feel safe when I'm with you." I mumbled softly.
"I'll keep you safe Pinetree." Bill whispered holding me a bit tighter, I held his arms tightly as well.
"I knew it! " I heard someone yell.

Bill let go of me and we both turned around. We see Gideon, Pacifica, Candy, Grenda and Mabel. Bill looks at me in worry.

"I knew that voice from somewhere." Gideon said.
"Gideon you're probably just hearing things." I said.
"Dipper get away from him." Pacifica said.

Then they started to argue with each other about the fact that Bill's here. Mabel even joined into the conversation which was funny. They all looked like they ran the whole way here.

"I'm surprised that Northwest didn't fall on her face while running with those heels." Bill whispered.
"Pfff... Haha. " I started to imagine her falling.

I started to chuckle softly at Bills little joke, he smiles at me and laughs softly too. They all look at me and Bill laughing and we both stopped.

"What are you doing here Cipher?" Gideon asked.
"I'm going to summarize this because I don't want to repeat myself. Sixer and Fez brought me back because the smartest person you know got out smarted by a demon dog. Then I started to show up here and there, I started to hang out with Pinetree and now we're friends." Bill said.
"Right. " I smiled.
"What the fuck? You shouldn't be handing out with this demon." Candy said.
"You shouldn't be near him at all. " Grenda said.
"Come on Dipper." Pacifica said pulling me away from Bill.

I looked at them and took Pacifica's hand off my arm. I went back to Bill and looked at everyone again. They all looked at me in disgust but Mabel, she looked disappointment.

"N-No. " I stuttered.
" He's dangerous." Gideon said.
"I'm not that dangerous." Bill said.
"shut it cipher." Pacifica said.
"It's not bad." I mumbled.
"What?! " Candy and Grenda said.
"He tried to kill us! " Gideon said.
"I-I know, but he's been nice to me this whole time. I forgave him for all the things he did to me." I said.
"Let's just go guys." Mabel sighed.
"What? " They all said.
"I've had enough of this, over the last few weeks these two have been hanging out. I've given up at this point and tired of this, let's just leave." Mabel said walking away.

They all looked at me and then left. I didn't care about there opinion because I know what I'm doing.

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