I meet Bill

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Pov DipDip
One week later

I've been locked in my room for a whole week. I've sneaked out but they always seem to find me. Today is going to be different because I have a decent plan that will possibly work. It's about eleven in the morning and everyone is awake. I hear someone knocking on the door softly.

"C-Come in. " I said.

Mabel walks in with a small smile and she sits down next to me.

"'Hey Dippen dots. " She smiles
"Hey Mabel." I said.
"how's it been. " She said.
"Great. "
"Great, well I'm sorry that you can't go outside that much." Mabel said.
"It's okay. " I said.
"We just can't- Wait what? "
"Oh, it's alright." I said.
"Really. "
"Yes I'll be fine here, I'm gonna take a nap if you don't mind. " I smiled.
"Okay. "

Mabel left my room and I looked at my door. I decided to go through the window because Mabel or my great uncles wouldn't noticed. I went through the window and went to the woods. I didn't bring my stuff because I felt like I won't need it.

I wonder in the woods for a few minutes to then realize that I was lost. I just started to walk around for a few more minutes. After those minutes I finally found my regular spot. I sat down and looked at the trees.

"Finally, I get to spend my time without my sister." I said.

I was finally out of my room and it felt nice. I would always be out here for a few minutes until they found me. I hear something near the bushes and I decided to hide behind a tree.

I see a guy about my age. He has golden brown eyes or maybe amber eyes, slightly tanned skin, blonde hair and slightly taller then me. He was wearing black jeans, a yellow sweater with a white dress shirt under the sweater, a black bow tie (which I think is adorable), his sleeves are rolled up as well and a few ear piercings on his right ear.

I feel like I remember you, but I can't put my finger on it. Why can't I remember you? I slowly step out and he saw me, a small smile goes on his face.

"Long time no see Pinetree." He said.
"Hello. " I said.

He stepped closer while I hesitated to step back. He's like two or three inches taller then me, no fair.

"I forgot about your memory lost for a second." He looked at me.
"Y-You know." I said.
"Let me start from the beginning." He said.
"Okay. " I said.
"My name is Bill cipher, I'm a dream demon or the king of demons, I make deals with the slightest twist and I've done some pretty stupid stuff." Bill nervously laughed.

I made a soft chuckle and looked at him, he looked at me with a loving smile and said.

"You've hardly changed."
"People tell me that I've changed quite a bit." I said.
"No, I think your still the same Pinetree your still smart, caring, kind, loving, helpful, shy and your still a sweetheart." Bill said.
"Really? " I said.
"You helped out anyone especially the monsters here. You would love to help out them especially, your biggest project was me." Bill said.
"How come? " I asked.
"I wasn't the best dream demon back then, I would make deals and if someone didn't do there end of the deal I would make them suffer. I would also posses bodies and it wasn't fun because now I know what it feels like to be human. This meatsack bodies are confusing to me." Bill said.
"I kind of feel bad for not remembering you. " I confessed.
"You shouldn't be. " Bill said.
"Why? " I asked.
"I've done pretty unforgivable things to you and your whole family hates me." Bill said.
"Not everyone." I said.
"No everyone hates me- Oh... " Bill said.
"I don't hate you, you seem like a nice person." I said.

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