I told him

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Pov Dipper.

They left earlier than I really expected and I was alone the whole night which was nice . I got to do random things that they would never let me do. I ended up sleeping on the couch, which was a terrible move.

I woke up early and looked up at the ceiling. I looked at the clock and it was about to be ten. I heard a soft knock on the door. I got up and answer the door, I see Bill.

"Bill? " I said
"I know everything Pinetree." Bill smiled.
"I feel like you can be an excellent stalker." I said.
"I'm taking that as a compliment. " Bill said.

"Sure. " I said.

Bill came inside and I closed the door behind him. Bill and I sat on the couch and I turned on the TV.

"How did you figure out? " I asked.
"Sixer was walking in the woods mumbling about things and he mentioned not being here today and tomorrow." Bill said.
"I thought that he never left the house." I said.
"Me too." Bill said.

Third Person

Dipper and Bill were just ignored the television and talked to each other. Bill and Dipper were concerned best friend at this point. Dipper still doesn't remember everything but he's happy of what he knows. Bill had been telling Dipper the truth.

Bill has grown strong feelings for Dipper and he doesn't even know. Dipper is slowly growing the same feeling about Bill. Dipper has felt safe around Bill, had butterflies in his stomach when he's around him and when he makes him feel better.

Bill loved Dipper with all his heart and soul. Bill made a promise to himself that he would protect Dipper. He would always be happy when he's around Dipper. Bill loves everything about Dipper, but since Bill isn't as good as expressing his feeling it's hard for him.

Back to Bill and Dipper. Bill placed his arm around Dipper's shoulder. Dipper looked at Bill and smiled at him. Bill ended up laying on the couch and Dipper on top of him. Bill placed his hands on Dipper's hips.

"This feels nice, I mean Mabel or my Great uncles not bothering us." Dipper said.
"Sixer, Fez and Shooting star are gone for two days, we get to do anything we want to. " Bill said.
"We can." Dipper said.

Dipper looked at Bill with the sweetest smile.

Pov Dorito

Pinetree looks at me with the most sweetest smile. I smiled and looked back at Pinetree. Pinetree placed the side of his head on my chest.

"Bill can you promise me something? " Pinetree said.
"Like what? " I asked.
"If I-I ever lose my memories again, would you-"
"I'll never leave you." I said.
"Thanks." He placed his arms around my neck and hugs me.

I hugged him back and smiled. His chin was now on my shoulder. His lips were near my cheeks and they bushed against them. The lightest shade of pink went across my cheeks. I wonder why he asked that question in the first place. I feel like he should know, how he lost his memories. I feel like it would be a mistake if I did.

It's been a few minutes and Pinetree wasn't really moving. I looked at him and he fell asleep. I swear this always happens when it way to quiet, or he hasn't been getting sleep. I figured out a ways to get up and carry him to his bed. It was hard trying to get up and trying not to wake him up. When I got to his room I placed him on his bed. I was about to leave until I felt him grab my hand.

"Don't leave me... " he mumbled.

Pinetree pulled my hand and I was on his bed. I was sitting down and looking at him. I ended up laying down because I wanted to.

"I'm lucky to have you." he mumbled.
"Pinetree." I said.
"Can I ask you something else? " he asked.
"What? " I asked.
"Do you know how I lost my memory?" He asked.
"Um... " My eyes widen when he asked me that.
"It's okay if you don't know, it was worth asking." Pinetree said.
"I-I do know, I-I just d-don't want you to blame anything on yourself." I stuttered.
"Can you please tell me." Pinetree said.
"Okay." I said.

I sat up and didn't look at him, he sat up and looked at me. I can't do it, but I can't lie to him.

"When you were about to leave Gravity Falls you wanted to erase this one memory. Only that one, but since Sixer improved it, it became stronger. During the weirdmageddon you killed someone, you didn't mean too you were just scared. When you wanted to erase that something went wrong and it erased your memories of everything you did here. Your sister knows, your great uncles know they just didn't tell you. Before your sister and great uncles came, Bruno showed up and gave you the ability to regain your memories because he liked you." I said.
". . ."
"He helped you, while I couldn't because I was still in Fez's mindscape. " I said.

I couldn't even help him because I saw everything from his point of view. I still know what happened because of my powers.

"I feel like it was my fault." He said.
"Pinetree it's not." I said.
"If I haven't don't that, I wouldn't be so stupid. I mean Mabel used me and lied to me, My great uncles hate me because of this. I killed someone and that's why I have nightmares every single day. It's my fault...."
"Pinetree it's not your fault." I said.

I look at Pinetree and he wanted to ball his eyes out because he felt like its all his fault. I stood up and grabbed Pinetree by the hand. I pulled him into my arms and hugged him.

"It's not your fault, you were young and didn't know how to deal with it." I said.

I felt his arms around my neck and he hugged back.

"Thanks for telling me the truth." he mumbled.
"I had too. " I said.

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