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Pov DipDip

I woke up with a huge headache and a small pain in my whole arm. I can't remember what happened last night for some reason. It's all just a blur and I want to remember, but I just can't. I wake up and see my room a mess for some reason. I get up from bed and look at myself in the mirror. I noticed a huge symbol on my arm and I fall back.

"What the fuck! " I yelled.

I looked at my arm and started to poke it because I didn't recognized or remember this mark. I went in my bag and took out my journals. I knew I recognized this thing from somewhere, but where? After a few minutes of looking I finally found it. It was the same mark on Bruno's back, which was pretty cool

I got off the floor and changed into different clothes. I decided to leave early because I didn't want to be stuck in this shack again. I ran into the woods and just sat down in my normal spot. My head was still pounding with my heart.

I looked up at the sky and saw something bright yellow. I reached my hand up and cover it. I felt something grab my hand back and I freeze.

"Hey Pinetree." I heard
"W-What? "

I felt tears run down my face for some reason. I blinked and then I couldn't feel there hand. I placed my hand down and looked at it. Why did that voice sound so familiar? I looked at my phone and it was about nine in the morning. I made a soft yawn and laid my back against the tree.

"Can I even remember you? " I softly said.

I was holding onto my necklace and looked back at the sky. I took a deep breathe and smiled.

"I'll remember you, but just not today"

Pov Bill

Pinetree has been wondering in the woods ever since he came back. Shooting Star gave me something that I can use. I can easily trick him into doing my evil betting without him knowing.
No I just can, I can't use Pinetree. Stupid meatsack feelings! I couldn't let him see me, so I just turned invisible but it didn't fully work. I was just a bright yellow ball which annoyed me a lot.

I see Pinetree and he's just looking at the sky. He reached his hand in front of me and I had to reach his.

"Hey Pinetree. "
"W-What? "

I saw a tear go down his face so I just let go. I want to know what happened to you after I left. I want to know if Sixer, Fez or Shooting Star made you do this. I was about to pay a little visit to Sixer until I heard something.

"Can I even remember you? "

I looked back at Pinetree and he smiled at himself. I've noticed that you've grown Pinetree, you're grown well. You're still you and you're smart, helpful, kind, sweet, outgoing, adorable and shy. I can see right threw you Pinetree and your still you. I still need you to remember me.

"I'll remember you, but just not today"

It's like he knows I'm here, but he just doesn't want to say. I looked back at Pinetree and then leave. I can't let him see me, not until Sixer, Fez and Shooting Star become more, more I don't know desperate.

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