Back to Gravity Falls

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Pov Mabel

I'm seventeen and I'm finally coming back home! I can't believe it took me this long to convince my parents to let us come back. Dipper is doing alright and he made new memories. Dipper acts like Ford sometimes and it's funny. What kind of weirds me out is that Dipper remembers all the monster we've seen and fought, but not his memories of gravity falls.

Dipper had journals full of creatures in gravity falls. The only thing he doesn't have is that evil corn chip. Dipper turned out to be a great person and he help others out. Dipper plays the guitar which he magical picked up. Dipper brought the instrument with him. The memory gun alter his brain and he can play it very well now. Cool, uh? Dipper has three journals just like Ford's but blue.

Dipper is very smart, kind, sweet, strong, shy, caring and loving. He hasn't changed as much. He wears a navy blue hoodie with a Pinetree on it, blue or black jeans at times, his regular black shoes, his multiple bracelets on his right hand, and this yellow triangle necklace. What bothers me is that his hair somewhat covers the top of his right eye.

"Mabel I'm excited." Dipper smiled.
"You've been here before, but you've forgot because of your amnesia." I said.
"Still, I'm pretty happy." Dipper cheerful said.
"Good. " I smiled.

I'm still myself I've just changed my sweater in to crop tops. I still have my signature shooting star, my purple skirt turned into purple shorts, my earrings, my hair is still the same but at times I have a ponytail.

We made it to Gravity fall and I was excited about coming back. I have to tell grunkle Stan and grunkle Ford about Dipper and his memory with the monsters. We went off the bus and I almost forgot about Waddles Jr. We left the bus and we see out great uncles. I told Dipper which one was who.

"Grunkle Ford, Grunkle Stan. " I smiled hugging them.
"Hello! " Dipper smiled.
"Nice to see ya Kiddo. " Stan said.
"Nice to see you to, Stan, right? " Dipper said.
"Your right." Stan smiled.
"Onk Onk." Waddles Jr said.
"I thought he would be dead by now." Ford mumbled.
"No, this is Waddles Jr. He's the same age as when I got the original waddles. He pasted away from old age, but before he did waddles lover made a baby" I said. "Sorry for your.... pig lost." Stan said.
"Really. " I said.

Dipper still had his love for the woods, the stars, the moon and mysteries. I asked Dipper if I can see his journals for a quick second. He agreed and gave them to me. Grunkle Stan showed us to our room and I got the attic while Dipper got the new break room. He stayed there and started to fix his room. I ran down stairs with Waddles Jr. to talk grunkle Stan and Ford.

"Grunkle Ford, Grunkle Stan I have something to tell you. " I said.
"What is it sweet pea?" Grunkle Stan said.
"Sit down." I said.

They both sat down and I took out Dipper's journals. Ford eyes widen and looked at me.

"What do these look like to you? " I asked.
"My journal but Bill destroyed them." Ford said.
"These are Dipper's journals, he remember every monster we've face, seen and read about. There all right here, the description of each and everyone of them are right here. The only one he doesn't remember is Bill. " I said.

They both looked at each other and I knew something was up. I looked at them and rolled my eyes at them.

"What did you do now? " I groaned.
"A creature that I've seen before but forgot to write down in my journal came to see us months after you left. We didn't know it was apart of Bill's army and we accidentally brought back the curses demon. " Ford sighed.
"I'm done. " I said leaving the books.
"I'm just done. " I repeated.
"We didn't mean to. " Stan said
"Let me get this straight, You the smartest person I know summoned Bill because a monster out smarted you. " I said.
"Yes. " Ford said.
"You couldn't recognize the cipher wheel." I said.
"It was similar to the cipher wheel sweetie, we couldn't figure out in time." Stan said.
"I can't believe you guys." I said.
"The other thing about Dipper is he remembers all the spells, remedies, monster and powers from your books. He's a genius now, he knows more things about monsters than you Ford." I sighed.
"This can't be, ha, I've studied every single monster here he can't be." Ford said getting worried.
"He knows all the demons from the weirdmageddon, well, that fought by Bill's side at least ." I said.
"Dipper became smarter over the years, he suddenly knows how t-"

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