Holiday Special

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Jonah was curled against up against the couch, snuggling into his blanket, yet still found himself shivering. Thomas and Tracy took the boys out to see Christmas lights and Torian was at a meeting for his pack, Jonah under normal circumstances would've joined the boys, but he was feeling sick.

"I miss Torian." He mumbled, glad that he was here by himself so Torian wouldn't of heard what he said. Torian would've been elated and would attack Jonah with kisses or ramble on about how they need to speed things up.

He sat carefully next to the fireplace, gazing deep into the flames and seeing the tips change from a bright yellow to a bitter orange.

"I feel like a part of me feels incomplete when he's not here..." Jonah said sadly, burying his head in the blankets.

He sat there feeling his heartache, longing for Torian to return.

"I feel the same way." A deep mesmerizing voice said the only voice that could send shivers down his spine.

"I-I didn't think you'd be back for at least another hour," Jonah said.

"Our meeting was brief, we just went over things, and I wanted to get back to you so I could take care of you," Torian said, sliding down to where Jonah was on the floor.

"Look, I know you wanted to take things slow, but can I at least hold you? I mean, it's Christmas Eve after all." Torian said softly, his usually daunting and powerful eyes were careful and vulnerable.

"Aren't you worried about getting sick?" Jonah asked, he wanted desperately to be in Torian's arms but felt self-conscious and nervous.

"I don't care, plus werewolves don't really get sick, we heal quickly remember?" Torain said.

Torian wrapped his arms around Jonah, and Jonah instantly stopped shivering.

"You're really warm," Jonah said quietly.

"Thanks, I guess?" Torian chuckled, burying his face in Jonah's hair.

"Ah, now I feel complete," Torian said.

"Merry Christmas my blue-eyed beast," Jonah whispered.

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