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credit: tayandjoeff and julsssnake on Tumblr

Andrea's POV

I watched her dance around the kitchen, blasting Christmas music like she was at a club, dancing around, wriggling her hips, I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. 'I should be filming this to show to your future children.' I said out loud, raising my glass of white wine in her direction.

'Oh my god, Mom, I swear to god if you were to film this I would kill you' she laughed, continuing her prancing while finishing preparing food for today's lunch, she moved like she was in a world of her own, completely oblivious to any negativity.

She continued dancing, unaware that Joe was making his way downstairs and silently chuckling when he saw her. He walked towards her and stopped when he was a metre away, her back to him, she was completely lost in the song. He leant on the counter, smiling at her, the admiration obvious in his eyes.

He stood there for around thirty seconds before his smile of love and care became a mischievous smirk. He looked over at me and put his finger to his lips, implying I shouldn't say anything about him being there, I shook my head and smiled looking back down at my 'Taste of Home' magazine.

He took a step towards her; she was completely oblivious, dancing her butt off, and wrapped his arms around her stomach, lifting her up off the floor and spinning her in circles. She squealed in surprise as he spun her round and round. 3 turns they did.

He placed her down because he was laughing so much, joy painted on both of their faces. She turned around and smiled at him, 'Did you like my dancing?' placing his hands on her waist and bringing her into his embrace he said matter of factually, 'I loved your dancing' he kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly.
I smiled at the two of them, God, he made her so happy. I had never seen her this happy to be with someone. The previous boyfriends she had, had been lovely for a time but they never treated her like he did. They always got distracted by work or someone else but Joe hadn't. He was still here and I loved him for it.

I heard her tell him, 'Help cut carrots' in a now serious tone, getting back into the mindset of making a delicious meal. 'Yes, ma'am' he saluted to her in a teasing manner, he got an eye roll in return. They worked around each other in the kitchen, helping each other while laughing and all in all it looked wonderful when everything was ready.
'Hey, Mom, can you shout Austin and Dad?' Taylor asked me and I nodded my head replying with, 'I think they're watching the football.' They were, in fact, watching the football. I realised that Joe didn't understand the game which was probably why he hadn't joined them.

The turkey was a golden colour, surrounded my shades of vegetables, oranges and greens, reds and browns, my mouth was watering just looking at what they had made, what they had spent hours working on. I smiled as we all sat down, crackers on either side of me.

Taylor, Joe, Austin, Scott and me.
We all laughed at jokes and agreed that the dinner was delicious. Wishing Joe's family could be here as well and hoping they had an equally delicious meal to tuck into. He had said he was going back to England on boxing day so he could spend time with them then, exchange presents and relax surrounded by his brothers and his parents.

The after-dinner chatter was buzzing with compliments about our empty plates and full stomachs. I saw the two look at each with proud smiles on their faces and love visible in their eyes. As she looked back at everyone to continue on the conversation, I saw her fiddle with the necklace Joe had given her on her 27th birthday, an obvious sign of how much he cared for her. I couldn't help but smile at the pair, so clearly right for each other.


As evening fell we migrated with our wine glasses into the living room, chatting as we went. 'So, when did you guys exchange presents?' I asked as we all sat down, Joe next to Taylor, his hand placed gently on her leg. He smiled at me before saying, 'Actually, I haven't given her hers yet' he winked at Taylor, kissing her on the cheek, 'I'll be back in a minute' he made his way out of the kitchen, a beaming smile plastered on his face.

A few minutes later he made his way back in, a square shaped gift in his hands, 'Sorry, about the wrapping,' he laughed as he carefully gave it to Taylor, his smile spread across his whole face. 'It'll be gone in a minute, don't worry' she laughed with him and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. She tore at the wrapping paper, covered in Christmas trees and snow men and gasped when she saw what it was.
I moved to sit next to her so I could see it properly and I couldn't help but smile.

It was a photo album.

There was a picture of the two of them looking cosy on the front. I imagine it was filled with memories, of photographs that Joe had found that reminded him or took him back to a certain place and time. A photograph that meant they would never forget that memory, a photograph that made them exclaim, 'Oh, I remember that day! That was when we did...'
She flipped through it briefly, a smile plastered on both of their faces now, 'Thank you' the adoration was obvious in her eyes, and I saw the shine that meant she was going to start crying, as she kissed him, a tear fell and he rubbed his thumb across her cheek, 'I'm glad you like it' is all he said before embracing her.

'So, uh, the football is still going, so I'm gonna go and finish watching that,' Austin said awkwardly, dragging my dad along with him, as he walked past Joe he slapped him on the back saying, 'good job mate,' Taylor and Joe laughed at this, her head now leaning on his shoulder and his arm around her waist.

'I'm going to go and start the washing up' I said to them, tapping Taylor's leg slightly, 'I'll come and help in a minute' she lifted her head up, reassuring me with a smile, nodding her head slightly, 'Oh don't worry dear' I got up and made my way to the Kitchen. I could hear their conversation as I began to clean up the table and realised how much work this was going to be.


Taylor's POV
'I can't believe you did this' I said with the album open on my lap, flipping through the pages, I looked at him again and placed my hand on his cheek before kissing him softly. He smiled into the kiss and looked back at the album. 'This is some of my finest work' he laughed and a proud look swept over his face. 'Frosty crew photography did it again' I giggled at him and I could see him struggling to hold back a laugh.

'Seriously though, thank you for making this, it means the world to me, you mean the world to me.' I kissed him again, lasting longer this time. I imagined days being home while he was off shooting and I realised how much this would help, going through and having all these memories as tangible photographs.

'Merry Christmas love' he said to me, still smiling.

'Merry Christmas' I said back to him, our hands clasping and our smiles mimicking each other.

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! I hope you had a great holiday. 🎄❤️🎄
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