Coming Home

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Credit: tayandjoeff

Joe's POV

I felt a rush of cold air as I stepped off of the plane, the cold English weather hitting me like a bus, a complete 360 change from the hot, balmy weather in Argentina. Even with a blast of heat as I entered the airport, the chill still invaded my bones, making me miss Taylor more with her warm body and comforting touch.

As I stood waiting for my luggage I texted my parents, knowing that they'd worry if they didn't hear from me soon, even though they weren't even going to be there when I got home. They had told me they were going away for the weekend with Patrick, to Swansea or something to spend some time by the sea.

Am waiting for luggage, all's good x
I saw my bag slowly moving along, the shape obvious to me. It finally moved in front of me and I lugged it off the whirring machine, the bag weighed down with clothes and something I had bought for Taylor, I knew I was going to miss her while she was busy in the U.S. getting ready for the reputation release and organising all the little-but-important details, but I knew we would chat every night and the phone calls would be frequent.

I walked out of the airport, my taxi waiting for me.

I slipped into the sleek, black vehicle, looking forward to be able to just put my earphones in and gaze out the window, maybe have a nap before I got home and I had to make loads of phone calls and un pack the mess that was stuffed into my bag.

The drive was around an hour from Gatwick and I was ready to get in and call Taylor, for some reason I felt uncomfortable doing it in the taxi, knowing the driver could probably hear me, I also didn't know if Taylor would want that, anyway, calling her from the comfort of my sofa made my heart warm at just the thought, knowing how many phone calls have been on that sofa.


The car pulled up outside my house, I paid him for the lift and walked towards the front door that held so many memories, so many laughs and experiences beyond it that I never wanted to forget. I could feel Goosebumps on my skin as the chill ran through my bones and I hastily continued towards it, wanting to just get inside and be warm.

I shoved my key in the door, twisting it until I couldn't twist it anymore, I picked up my bag and gently kicked the door open with my foot as my hands were full, one hand held had an empty coffee cup and the other held my luggage. I stepped in the door, and I felt the warmth engulf me, reminding me I was finally home, I could relax, call Taylor, eat real food.

I stopped.

It hit me.


The smell wafted into my nostrils, making my stomach rumble and my eyes couldn't help but shut as I smelt the wonderous odour. It wasn't just any odour. It was the smell that told me Taylor had been cooking.

I laid my bag down in the hallway and wandered into the kitchen. I saw her.

She stood behind the counter, something steaming behind her, dancing to a playlist she was blasting on her phone, completely oblivious that I was home.

'Babe?' I said raising my voice slightly, knowing that her music was especially loud because she wanted to sing along and she may not be able to hear me otherwise. I stopped as she looked up, a smile instantly appearing on her face while my expression was more of shock and surprise.

She was there. Making dinner. In my kitchen.

She walked over to me, her speed increasing as she got closer, finally jumping into my arms and wrapping her legs around my waist, plastering my face with her gorgeous kisses.

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