April Fools

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Writer: Unknown

Joe's POV

When I woke up she was nowhere near, she was gone, her side of the bed was empty and cold. I opened my eyes slowly and everything seemed fine, until, I heard a small giggle coming from outside of the room. I sat up, oh what a foolish decision that was, my eyes took in the horror before me and I realised what the date was, 1st April, of course she would wake up early just to pull something like this.

A prank.

Because it was April fool's day.

I sighed. Surrounding me on both sides, filling the entire room, was glass after glass of water. As I observed my predicament I laughed to myself, being stuck in bed wasn't all bad, and at least I would never die of thirst!

'Babe?' I shouted out to try and get her attention, I heard her footsteps getting closer then saw her appear in the doorway, she was still in her cat pyjamas and her hair was adorable and curly. How could someone that cute be this evil?

'How long did this take you?' I laughed as I asked, she smiled cheekily.

'I woke up at 7...' I looked at the clock which now said 11 a.m.

'This took you four hours?!' I exclaimed and fell back on the bed looking up at the ceiling, I saw a piece of paper stuck there with the words 'good luck' and a smiley face written on it.

'I feel like this day is going to be quite difficult' I admitted with a laugh and put a hand to my face. She walked away from the door laughing to herself, filling the room with water cups obviously isn't all she had done in four hours.

Throughout the day there were a total of 13 pranks played on me varying in size and impact, one obviously being her filling the bedroom with water cups and laughing when I struggled to make a path out.

Two being she made pancakes for me but the center was made out of cardboard so I couldn't actually bite through it, she also chopped up strawberries with salt on and replaced the syrup with vinegar.

Three, she put a stock cube in the shower hose and so when I tried to take a shower some odd-looking liquid was sprayed everywhere.

Four, she filled my wardrobe with balloons and hid all my clothes so I had to walk around in boxers for the majority of the day, much to her delight.

Five, she placed bug stickers on all the lamps, so whenever I turned one on I thought there was a giant insect on the other side.

Six, my brother, Patrick, called me and a deafening screeching noise came from my phone because she changed the ringtone from Gorgeous to a man sounding like he was dying.

She told me she had made an exception from 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock (the 13th hour) and she told me there would be no pranks during this time... was she lying? Most definitely.

Seven, she completely emptied the fridge and instead put all the food in the bathroom cabinets, so I had to 'wait for her to finish using the bathroom' to eat my lunch, of course she dragged that out.

Eight, she filled my car with hundreds of small balls of tin foil meaning before I could drive it I had to empty it and get rid of all the silver metal.

Nine, she changed all the contact names in my phone, specifically hers to; golden cupcake Angel face, she then proceeded to text me very un-Angelic things.

Ten, she made me a drink that was supposed to be coffee, but was obviously not, I found this out when I drunk it, she still won't tell me what It was.

Eleven, she unplugged all the appliances in the house meaning everything I did took five times longer than normal.

Twelve, whenever I turned a corner, entered or exited a room she would blare a loud horn right in my ear so I would shout and jump back, she would then laugh at me and give me the sweetest smile.

Finally, Thirteen, I must say she did go all out for this, I knew something was coming, due to the fact that she was so excited, constantly. For a while everything was fine, then, at four, the doorbell rang, I asked if it was for her, she said no, so I answered it. I screamed. There. On the doorstep. Lay her head. But It wasn't her head because I just talked to her. It was terrifying, it looked exactly like her and it was lay on the doorstep, staring at me. The detail was impeccable and overall it was extremely realistic. I rushed back inside to see if she was still there, but she had disappeared, panic set it and I came back to the open front door to find her laughing at me, holding her 'head', smiling 'Do you like it?' I smiled, laughed and put a hand over my heart, feeling the hard thumping in my chest. 'Oh God, is it over yet?' I chuckled. She kissed me on the cheek as she walked back into the house, lifting the head up and mentioning on her way 'it's made of cake'. I followed closely behind her.
I got the idea after around the 7th prank that I wanted to get her back for all this stress she was putting me through, and throughout the rest of the day I was brainstorming, thinking of ways to get her back. I even texted Austin thinking he would know how to scare her, which he did;

'Sea urchins, many, many, sea urchins.'

The text confused me slightly but it gave me the idea I needed.

'Hey, babe? Patrick asked me to get something for him, so I'm just going out, I'll be back A.S.A.P.' I lied then gave her a peck on the lips and made my way to the door, smiling as I went. I got the supplies I needed which included; polystyrene balls, cocktail sticks and purple and red paint, I then made my way to my parent's house to 'prepare'. I cut the polystyrene balls in half, placed cocktail sticks in them, then proceeded to paint them with red and purple... I guess they looked half decent. I did ask my mum if they looked okay, but there was really no point in doing that, as she thinks anything I do is wonderful.

When I got home I placed around 20 of these 'sea urchins' into the bath knowing full well Taylor would want to relax later.

I waited.

At around seven o'clock in the evening I heard a shrill noise coming from the bathroom


I chuckled to myself then wandered into the bathroom and observed the scene from the doorway. Taylor was standing on top of the toilet looking down into the tub filled with 'sea urchins'

'You okay there sweetie?' I smiled at her trying to suppress the fit of giggles that wanted to burst out.

'Please, I beg of you, destroy them, you win, I will do anything' she begged, eyeing them suspiciously. I couldn't help it any more, I bent over clutching my stomach with laughter, she glared at me. After composing myself I walked over to where she was standing, scooped her up in my arms, walked out of the bathroom then whispered 'I will protect you from the evil sea urchins, don't you worry.' I felt her head rest on my shoulder as I held her 'thank you.' She murmured.

'Truce?' I asked.

'Truce' she whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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