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Credit:   Forevergoingwiththeflow89 on Tumblr


"Look! Who is that, love? Who's that?" he mumbles excitedly, holds the tiny body even closer to him than he thought was possible. He's awkwardly standing in the middle of this room, surrounded by his family and other people who work with her during this extraordinary time. He feels stares on him, feels the excited laughs and gushes while looking at his daughter's face who's obviously very confused about the fact that she sees her mummy on this big screen, dancing and singing while all these strangers scream and sing with her. He presses his mouth closer to her ear, whispers the same 'who's that' a couple of times before pressing kisses onto the tiny soft ear. She then points her small finger to the screen. Joe isn't moving.

"Dada" she squeaks, then excitedly laughs and claps her tiny hands together. Joe starts laughing, just like everyone else standing and sitting next to them in this backstage room.

"It's mummy." he says, then turns his head to Andrea who's already taking a photo with her phone of Joe and the little blonde curly head on his arm.

"Dada is still the universal term for mum and dad, we're not quiet over it yet." Joe says amused then looks down at his baby once more who's still watching her mummy perform with big eyes. He loves seeing himself and Taylor in her. His blue eyes. Her forehead. Her brows. Her lips and his weird ears.

"Eleanor, look at mummy!" Andrea says with a smile on her face. The little girl just seemed to be more busy with the sleeves of Joe's shirt than with her mother performing in front of a huge crowd. Joe laughs at the one year old, then slowly walks up to the couch at the end of the room. The atmosphere is loose and a majority of Taylor's friends and family are here to support her for her first concert of this tour. She has worked hard for this. She has put all her energy into being a musician and a mother. He couldn't be more proud of her. He couldn't be more proud than in this moment. Holding the child of his destiny. Watching her enchant not just thousands, but also her daughter.

"Does she still imitate Taylor?" Austin asks as Joe sits down next to him. The curly head on his lap immediately looks up to her uncle, her little hand reaching out for him. Austin smiles, grabs her hand and kisses the back of it slowly.

"Hello, Miss Alwyn." he jokes, gives her another hand kiss which results in a loud giggle. Joe laughs as well as Scott, who has just sat down on the grey sofa next to them.

Joe slowly turns her around, helps Eleanor stand on his thighs. Her tiny black Converse shoes look in his direction and he kisses the big baby belly over her t- shirt really quick.

Eleanor always loves it when he blows raspberries on her naked belly. One of the things he has to do every time he changes her diapers. This time she still giggles, but struggles a little to stand upright.

"What does mummy do? Show me what mummy does, baby." is what Joe says to her while having a tight grip around her little bum. Eleanor reaches for the little butterfly clip in her hair, doesn't seem to understand what Joe wants from her.

"She's so confused." Andrea laughs, while Joe steals another kiss from her tummy. She's too cute standing on his thighs, her tiny fingers in her wild hair.

No matter how many movies he makes, no matter how many songs Taylor writes - this little girl in his arms is their greatest creation. They both know that.

"Eleanor, what does mummy do all the time?" Joe asks patiently once more.

Eleanor suddenly forms her left hand into a fist and stays to incoherently chat into her hand. She apparently knows pretty well what her mummy does with her microphone on stage.

Everyone in this room suddenly bursts into laughter. Eleanor looks confused at Austin next to her, who's also amused. Joe just smiles, slowly holds her closer and kisses her chubby cheeks a few times while smiling. She's just too cute.

"Good job, love." he laughs and looks at the others who seem to be just as amused.

"Watch her take after her mom." Andrea warns him and Joe laughs.

"I have the feeling there's no way around it." he laughs. Joe remains next to Austin with his babygirl, tries to make her look at the screen to watch her mum in action. Eleanor seems captivated for the first ten minutes, then gets bored and tries to get down from his lap. While being deepened in a conversation with Austin about his girlfriend's nephew who's Eleanor's age, Joe slowly let's Eleanor down since she's so restless. It takes less than five seconds and Eleanor crawls away, then sits down right in front of Scott's feet.

"Where are you going, missy?" he asks her and Eleanor looks at him with big eyes. She then holds onto his pants and slowly tries to pull herself up. She's getting so big, already knows what to do to properly stand up. Having both arms around her, Scott securely holds the big girl that's standing right in front of him.

"Great Job, E." Andrea squeaks and makes the babygirl look at her proud.

Suddenly the door opens and a very familiar silhouette enters the room. Dressed in a sparkly costume and with sweat on her forehead, Taylor enters the room. All eyes just on the toddler standing in front of her grandfather. Within a couple of seconds Eleanor starts squeaking, excitedly moves her hands. Without looking at anyone else, Taylor then grabs the baby and pulls her up, holds her close and rocks her back and forth.

"Honey, hi!" she says excitedly, holds her baby as close as possible. She immediately showers the little girl with kisses, her head pressed into Taylor's neck. She missed her mummy. She can feel that. Taylor now looks at Joe and her parents and she feels their stares.

She takes a deep breath, tightens the grip on her baby's back. They knew it was hard for her. They knew how much she suffers whenever she can't see her daughter for more than three hours.

"She watched you perform and she told me that she wants to do the same when she's a big girl." Joe says while slowly getting up and making everyone in the room laugh quietly. She smiles at him, her hand still rubbing her baby's back. Andrea looks at the two girls, smiles in awe at this incredible connection they have. Eleanor seems so comfortable, almost doesn't want to let go of her mummy anymore. Joe then slowly gets closer, one hand on his daughter, the other one around Taylor's waist.

"I'm proud, you know." he mumbles just for her to hear and kisses her slowly. Taylor smiles at him, signals him that she needs one more kiss while her baby has both hands wrapped around her head. Joe leans in once more, holding both of his favorite girls closer to him. His lips then land on her forehead and he smiles. This is how it's supposed to be.


Mommy Taylor x Daddy Joe

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